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Convention of States!


There Are No Substitutes For Failure

Published in Blog on August 26, 2021 by Will T. Zwart

From 1776 to 1861 to 1945 to 2021, America has been involved in a myriad of conflicts and strife. Each time, men and women rose up to defend the nation from whatever evil assailed her. And they offered their very lives, without excuse. 

Over 5,000 soldiers died in the Revolutionary War. There is no excuse. 

Over 2,200 soldiers died in the War of 1812. There is no excuse. 

Over 600,000 soldiers died in the Civil War. There is no excuse. 

Over 116,000 soldiers died in World War I. There is no excuse. 

Over 400,000 soldiers died in World War II. There is no excuse. 

Over 50,000 soldiers died in the Korean War. There is no excuse. 

Over 60,000 soldiers died in the Vietnam War. There is no excuse. 

Over 10,000 soldiers have died in the Middle-east. There is no excuse. 

These are only the major conflicts of America's history, and every single one of these soldiers laid down their life so we could live. We have no excuse to sit back and let their sacrifice be for nothing, and if this nation falls, it will be. 

If America falls, the blame will not just be placed on corrupt politicians, greedy corporations, amoral doctors, open borders, Islamic terrorists, China, George Soros, or propaganda machines like the media or public schools. The blame will mainly rest on us, American citizens who looked on, and just couldn't be bothered to rally together and save our country from becoming Nazi Germany.

We have come to the edge of darkness. The Land of the Free is bleeding to death because too few will stand up to save her. It won't take much, it won't even take half. If everyone strives as much as they are able with feet firmly planted, a flag in their hands, the truth on their lips, and prayers in their minds, we can save America. No excuses. 

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