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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


The Wednesday Night Roundtable

Published in Blog on August 16, 2021 by Donovan Salerno

As the country continues to spiral into what feels like an episode of the twilight zone, people in my town are waking up.

That is a good thing, because it’s not too late to save the American way of life.  It is up to us to mount a defense.  A political virus is spreading across the country and it will kill freedom if we don’t treat it.  

If you would have told me a few years ago that I would give up hanging out with my friends and watching a game or a fight on pay-per-view and, exchange that time for chess and political strategy sessions, I would have scrunched my face and up and called you nuts. 

In Jacksonville, NC, every Wednesday night at 7pm, a growing group of locals and transplanted veterans are doing just that. We play chess and sharpen our minds. We share our concerns for changes that have been happening across the country. As dangerous ideologues slowly infiltrate our schools, councils, boards, and governmental bodies like wolves in sheep’s clothing.  

We develop strategies to combat the growing call to undermine the Constitution. We make plans to attend events and strategize how we can make our voices heard. We seek out alternative ways to influence our elected officials.  

We also talk about a movement called the “Convention of States.” Convention of States is a mechanism built into the Constitution under Article V, by which we the people can circumvent our elected officials should they become tyrannical. It's our tool to amend the Constitution for things like term limits, fiscal responsibility, and reduction of the DC power grab. It's for bringing integrity back to the government by the governed.

We have been comfortably asleep and distracted by our amazing American lifestyle that allowed for ample leisure time. The time is long overdue for us to invest some of that time in our future. We need to shine a light on what’s been going on in our local, state, and federal government. We can only do that if we participate.

A few years ago, if warned about what was coming, I would have responded with "That's just happening in the big cities run by Democrats, our county is immune to Marxist ideas like Critical Race Theory.” It should be, but immunity works because our immune system produces anti-bodies to combat the invasion. Our political immune system was tricked into ignoring the invasion and now the virus is spreading.  

Some of the invaders are progressives who run on a Republican ticket. If we were to get lazy and vote a straight Republican ticket without doing any research, these Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) can infiltrate our system. We need to activate our political immune system and produce political anti-bodies. We need people who represent the majority Americans to attend and listen to what’s going on in meetings at the local level, people who can lift their voices in these meetings and make clear what the people want and what we do not want. We need to develop easy ways to scrutinize who we are voting for and repel the invaders.

We need people who are political anti-bodies and it is time for our political immune system to ramp up to full production. We need the silent majority to become vocal and give up some of their leisure time to participate in the immune response. This is what our group is becoming, political anti-bodies.

Now, we need to grow our group and help to establish other groups, we need to replicate this response across our great country. The investment is the sacrifice of some of your leisure time, the payoff is the continuation of our freedom.


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