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The Truth Behind the Defunding the Police Movement

Published in Blog on November 23, 2021 by Jim Barrett

Many Americans scratch their heads when they see the “defund the police” movement in this country. On the face of it, fewer cops on the streets results in meaner streets. More robbery, rape, assaults and murder – which is now being played out in our cities. It appears to be a “no brainer” for those who are not aware of the underlying reason for the defund the police movement. That, of course, is a significant number of the American population who unfortunately have no clear understanding of the insidious nature of this movement.

But what the Marxist in our society (including Black Lives Matter – which is an avowed Marxist organization) understand is that this is not just about defunding the police. In actuality, this is a cog in fundamentally changing the culture of America. In short, changing us from a democratic republic to a Marxist society – one steeped in the philosophies of Marx, Lenin and Stalin. 

It is obvious that those who support this hoped-for transition to Marxism do not care about increased violence in our society. When murder rates increase so precipitously and there is no outrage by political leaders of impacted jurisdictions, there is either a great disconnect or they don’t care. But much more likely they quietly support the underlying philosophy incipient in the Marxist effort. 

Don’t be confused. Those in power who turn a blind eye to increased violence in their cities are well aware of what is going on. It is not a secret to them as all mayors, sheriffs and police chiefs routinely receive frequent updates of crime rates within their jurisdictions.  Do they just not care or do they support the Marxist efforts? Perhaps a bit of both – but it is hard to argue that they are not on board for a fundamental change to American society.

In today’s America, there is essentially one institution left that is not controlled by the hard left.  That is American law enforcement. Other institutions have fallen to the woke crowd – this includes the bureaucracy at the federal level and in many state, counties and cities; the educational system – especially at the college level – though now even further down to elementary school; the American media; the military leaders who have embraced the woke mandate over their real mission – winning our wars (need I remind the readers of the debacle in Afghanistan?).

This movement now reaches into our court system, as the left seeks to find ways to usurp the power of the Supreme Court through a court packing scheme. And finally, our iconic American Corporations and sports teams have capitulated to the woke agenda. Just ask Coca Cola and the NBA if they support the avowed Marxist organization Black Lives Matter. Of course they do, as they have made no secrets about their support.

What is the intended direction that Marxists foresee for American law enforcement? To put it frankly, they hope that it will collapse so that they can sell a national police force to Americans. The elimination of the nearly 17,000 police organizations throughout the United States and combining them into one Federal police organizations potentially gives the left a powerful influence over the citizens of this country and allows them to capture the last major institution which is not in their camp.

Just look at the corrupt Federal Bureau of Investigation, which used to be the premier law enforcement agency in the world. It is now another corrupt federal organization that uses its immense powers at the bidding of the current administration. A federalized and centralized American law enforcement organization would suffer a similar fate. 

What can Americans do to prevent this planned take-over of their law enforcement? The easy answer is to support your local law enforcement organization. Embrace the local police department, Sheriff’s Office and state police before they are gone and we are policed by an off-shoot of the FBI.

However, this goes beyond putting a bumper sticker on your car. This means contacting your state and federal representatives and expressing your support. Most importantly, since a great majority of law enforcement is conducted at the local level, show up at the city council and county supervisor’s meetings and express your support. Vote for those who will not turn over the law enforcement function to some massive and uncontrollable federal bureaucracy. Educate yourself - get involved and stay involved!

That's in the short term. In the long term, we must put constitutional binds on the federal government to prohibit them from nationalizing the police force. Congress will never take up such a measure, but We the People can do it for them with an Article V Convention of States.

A Convention of States uses Article V of the Constitution to limit the power & size of the federal government. Washington has grown too big and has overstepped its constitutionally limited powers, and now they are trying to take over all law enforcement throughout the nation. The ultimate keepers of the rule of law and the Constitution are the people, and our most powerful defense lies in Article V.

Go to Convention of States, sign the petition and help us put the federal government back in it's box. 

Jim Barrett is a retire Police Chief from Southern California.

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