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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Citizen Activists Join Writing Campaign

Published in Blog on February 06, 2024 by Tanya Hettler

by Linda Ward, DC HD 35

Patriots from across the state of Delaware have been busy writing to their legislators to support SCR100, the Convention of State Resolution to reign in the federal government. There has never been a more critical time in our nation's history where the vast majority of Americans believe Washington DC is broken. Excessive spending, over-regulation and life long terms of people in federal positions have led us to this place. 

A solution provided by our founders lies within the US Constitution itself in Article V.  Article V has been invoked exclusively by the Congress, and 27 Amendments have passed the ratification process set out. However, to Congress' chagrin, the 50 states also have the power to propose amendments to the US Constitution. Those in power in Washington DC and the Elites, would like you to think this is some haphazardly drafted provision of Article V by our founders. 

The truth is that the founders gave the states the power to correct the course of the United States by calling a Convention of States. The Convention of States movement has been educating legislators and citizens across the country on how Article V can save the country we love by bypassing the powerful agenda of Congress. Join us at a local meeting and learn what steps you can take to get our country back on course. Visit Convention of States Delaware. 

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