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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


The Solution Becomes More Clear

Published in Uncategorized on November 14, 2022 by David Keckta

Now that the elections are over and Americans are feeling frustrated, it’s a good time to discuss solutions and some good things. Tonight, President Donald J. Trump announced his campaign for a 2024 run. In his speech, he pointed out that 5 million more Americans voted Republican than in the last election. That’s good progress. Having more people involved and engaged in the political process is a good thing. With Bidenflation shrinking everyone’s disposable income, people are certainly waking up.

More people waking up, more people voting, more people watching closely as the elections are conducted and more people turning off the mainstream media are all good things. However, I have to point out something that is not good. People are doing all of these things because the country is in bad shape. We have millions of people invading the country through an unsecured southern border, we have high inflation, we have people dying at a high rate from Fentanyl, we no longer have energy independence and the bureaucrats who run the government are exacerbating these things. We also have record National Debt and a contracting economy, but nobody is paying attention to that, right?
The next Congress is surely going to have more gridlock. Even though the final tally is yet to be officially reported, it’s looking likely that the Republicans will have a thin majority in the House, while the Democrats control the Senate. With President Biden in the White House and a Conservative leaning Supreme Court, all three branches of government will together grind things to a halt, which is what it is designed to do.

This is good! This is good because it means that the extremists cannot hijack the government. The process prevents the Far Left from accomplishing anything by itself and it prevents the corrupted Right from doing anything alone. It means, there has to be compromise if anything is to get done.

Now, will Congress finally pass fiscal reforms and reign in it’s spending? I doubt it. Will Congress enact Term Limits on itself? I doubt it. I can tell you that the Executive Branch, i.e. President Biden, will continue to test the expansion of Executive Authority by writing more Executive Actions and Orders.

While Congress experiences legislative gridlock for the next two years, the American People will experience tougher and tougher times. This will certainly have the affect of waking more of them up. As they do, they will be looking for a solution for this mess. That solution lies within Article V of the United States Constitution. Most Americans do not know what Article V even says, which is why it is incumbent upon us who do know to educate those who don’t. Once more people are awake to the solution and understand how to apply it, we should be able to turn things around ourselves. We don’t need Congress. We just need each other.

As more and more people feel hopeless and alienated by the election process, the fake media, the failing economy and record debt, the failing political process in general, the solution to all of these problems becomes more and more clear. The solution is an Article V Convention of States, conducted by We the People. We the People are the solution and we must take control ourselves. The sooner we do so, the better. If we wait until we’re on our backs in a more compromising situation, it’s going to be a lot more difficult to fix the problems we’re facing.

So, get the word out today to your friends, family members, neighbors and everyone you can. Send them to to sign the petition and to join the team of volunteers. We have 19 States passed but we need to get 15 more. Once we get to 34 we can call the convention and begin to address the problem.

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