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The Slippery Slope

Published in Blog on September 16, 2021 by Bob Borzotta

COS Investigates, Conclusion

The Trickle-Down CRT Agenda

A tangled web is being woven to keep parents in the dark while our children are indoctrinated into leftist views on race, gender and un-American ways. Governor Phil Murphy wants Critical Race Theory in our schools. He's rather blunt about that.

As yet, the Audubon School District in Camden County, which decided to mask students despite parents voting against it four-to-one, has no official statement on whether it will implement the racist ideology that categorizes Martin Luther King, Jr. as a white supremacist.

But the superintendent was involved deeply during the last school year in a controversy that arose about the "action civics" curriculum disguised in sixth-grade students' schedules as "guidance." Parents knew about it only if they tuned in to their children's online classes.

You might have thought guidance counselors would be there to help kids in their personal academic progress and to provide one-on-one emotional support, but you would have thought wrong. It's not only civics and social studies content parents have to worry about; CRT sneaks its way in through unexpected places even active parents would not think to look.

The first "guidance" class was held in recognition of Black History Month and celebrated the accomplishments of, among others from history who have achieved true greatness, spoiled-brat climate lunatic Greta Thunberg (who is not even black), alleged-Vice President Kamala Harris, and others considered unremarkable for anything other than bothering everyone else. It drew offensive parallels between Harris and Harriet Tubman and more who have contributed to the betterment of America and African-Americans.

The position taken by the lesson designers and presenters is a clear celebration of Thunberg and Harris despite well-established facts that, if considered, might make students question their greatness.

According to the state’s vision statement on social studies under "K-12 Learning Standards," this lesson is in violation of its final bullet point: “Discerns fact from falsehood and critically analyzes information for validity and relevance.” The lesson on advocacy (read: activism) does not do this.

Advocacy and activism are closely aligned in today’s highly-charged and divisive political climate. Neither belongs in a nonpartisan curriculum unless the staff can achieve the rigorous fact-versus-fiction, critical analysis called for, which would require extensive unbiased research by school personnel (not content identifiable as coming directly from DNC-loyal cable news commenters).

Parents and guardians should be clearly informed by any school district if things like cultural/political advocacy, racially equitable math, etc. are brought into American classrooms. Why does this new curriculum cloak itself as guidance? The answer is in its content.

A Close Look Into the Abyss

The guidance counselor’s intern began part of her lesson (held online because of, well, the infamous Rona) with the question: “Why do we think it’s important to advocate?” The question assumes “we” already were in agreement that advocacy/activism is important. The question strives to get the group in alignment with the instructor, achieving groupthink led by the person in charge. 

Once a child believes that one side is good, and advocacy/activism is good, you can then go to that child and tell him that he/she is bad because a person or group of advocates/activists has determined so.

Audubon's non-board-approved, non-state-compliant Advocacy/Action-Civics/Guidance curriculum appears to be a pathway to CRT. The political side that the school has chosen to embrace endorses this racist programming of separating people by skin color to convince them to "undo" that color.

While the superintendent denies this class was aimed at indoctrination, CRT-style, he concedes a review of the curriculum is needed. Of course, had this class not been held online and witnessed by parents, no one would have known better, and the B.S. class would not have been recalled for review.

Do you want your kids being taught CRT? Well, if you're like 80% of Audubon parents who said a resounding "No!" to masking, only to be ignored by their own local representatives, your desires about CRT could go unheard.

While it appears Audubon students will not suffer through race-based re-programming (for now), these governing bodies might still throw CRT into your kids' mask-covered faces even if parents are overwhelmingly against it. When Governor Murphy is re-elected as expected, some say he will mandate CRT in our schools. Will Audubon comply? If it's a mandate, history provides the answer.

Yes, Audubon schools, Loudon County schools, and quite likely, your children's schools, were once storied little places full of hope for the future, and dedication to improvement from the top down. But it's 2021. And the story is over.

We must reverse this course. We need valid options that don't include the Nuremberg-style violations of our rights, and the lies our children are told about how whites oppress non-whites, and that gender is fluid. It's time for national school vouchers. Locally, it's time for state-wide school vouchers.

But this won't happen while the Department of Education is in place to dictate how we run our schools. This is why we need Convention of States. A Convention of States can limit the power of federal agencies like the DOE and return that power to the people and the states.


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