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The Rising Generation – My Return to Patriot Academy

Published in Blog on August 24, 2023 by Will T. Zwart

Greetings, Engaged Citizens! My name is Will Zwart, and I am a 23-year-old writer and volunteer for Convention of States. Last year, I participated in Patriot Academy’s 2022 National Leadership Congress for the first time. I had such an amazing experience that when they asked me back this year, I was ready and raring for Round #2! 

This week-long event is a thrill ride through history, politics, communication, social issues, networking, and legislating. The purpose of these simulated legislative sessions, of which there are now nine across the U.S., is "to provide the leadership laboratory in which Patriots are forged with the Principles, Strategies, and Skills to lead their generation and our nation with character and courage."  

Day one, I landed in Austin, Texas in the early afternoon, and was soon greeting both familiar faces and new ones at the hotel. It wasn’t long before the place was bustling with young patriots, as this year’s Leadership Congress was the largest it’s ever been. Just under 130 students were in attendance, and that’s not even counting the Military Veteran Congress and the Constitution Coach Congress that showed up later! The latter was new this year, as Rick Green (the brainchild behind Patriot Academy) wanted to give active coaches a chance to participate as well. Suffice it to say, when they bussed us out to Rick’s ranch for a barbecue and games, there was quite a crowd!   

Day two saw me up at 7:30am already tired out, but still ready for action! The Leadership Congress is well-organized, with everyone gathered into groups of a dozen or so, called committees. The committees walk to and from the Capitol building together, and of course, conduct meetings to hear bills just like in the actual legislatures. I was on the William Wilberforce committee, which I was happy about, given our shared name and my admiration of the man who ended slavery in England.  

While there were very involving lectures on history, politics, economics, and culture scattered throughout the schedule, most of that second day was taken up by Campaign-for-a-Day, in which we were all paired off into teams to campaign for a fake political candidate. I served in the candidate role this time, and although I ended up losing the “race”, I still learned a lot. That evening, they passed out the golf balls, which are meant to be physical representations of our character. If you ever dropped or lost your “character”, you would have to recite a famous quote in front of everyone to get it back. Oh, the shame! 

Days three, four, and five were all very similar. After Capitol walk, breakfast, and speeches, we would pair off into committees and hear each other's bills. Everyone had to write at least one bill, and they even let us use the actual committee rooms, teaching us the process, vernacular, and response to opposition.

I was more familiar with the process this time, and managed to get my bill not only through committee, but onto the calendar for the floor session. During such sessions, all 130 students gathered in the Texas State House of Representatives to present, debate, lobby, and vote on bills. Only 11 were passed this session, and I was very excited that mine was one of them! 

Day six saw not one but two floor sessions, and the election of next year’s cabinet, i.e. the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker of the House. Then, we were all bussed out to the graduation banquet. After a hearty dinner, the Passing of the Torch of Freedom ceremony was held. Every student signed a copy of the Declaration of Independence, pledging our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to one another, and just like during the actual event back in 1776, it was done in complete silence. It was a serious moment, and not something to be taken lightly.

Rick Green had made a speech beforehand, reminding us that we were the generation that would need to preserve liberty in America if liberty was to be preserved. 

Throughout the week, I also met many patriots connected with the COS Emerging Leaders internship, which I will be starting this Fall. There were several former COS interns there who gave me some much-appreciated advice, and others who were applying to be in the class this year alongside myself. Of course, the leadership of the program was also present, and I was glad to meet them in-person. So many patriots, and so little time! 
The last day saw the final floor session, where passed bills were signed by the "Governor", the new cabinet was sworn in, and graduation was conducted. Then it was back to the airport! I was able to fly back with a fellow student, and we discussed our experiences over the week. I made sure to stay in contact with many of the Patriot Academy alumni, that we might support each other in the cause of freedom.   

George Mason, also the father of the Bill of Rights and our own Article V, said, “No free government, nor the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.”

Not only is Patriot Academy spearheading just such an occurrence through all their fantastic programs, but they are doing so with a spirit of hope, courage, and encouragement. In an age of political self-interest and destructive ambition, few groups nowadays really seem to care about providing my generation with the tools we will need to not only survive, but preserve liberty in America. 
Patriot Academy is one of those rare groups, and I would encourage anyone passionate about freedom and truth between the ages of 16-25 to join at least one Leadership Congress. There are nine different programs distributed across the country, all of them taking place in July or August. Even if you’re not interested in politics or a public life, it’s an amazing experience that will truly inspire and transform you.

Find the Patriot Academy Congress that’s right for you!
They fill up fast, so don’t wait! 

I believe my time with Patriot Academy has been and will continue to be one of the greatest and most rewarding experiences of my life. I have made fast friends who share my values and zeal for liberty, and been equipped with the tools to fight the enemies of that liberty. Unless it be GOD’s will otherwise, I fully intend to return to Patriot Academy and support them for as long as I can, and I’m so grateful to Him for giving me this amazing opportunity, that I might be well-equipped in the fight to save America! 


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