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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


The Power of Peaceful Non-Compliance

Published in Blog on January 21, 2022 by Julia Campbell

A mandate is not a law. No matter how the media, petty politicians, or power-drunk bureaucrats frame it, no mandate on the federal or state level undergoes the legislative process: it is not scrutinized by legislators, our direct representatives in government; it is not debated openly and there is no opportunity for concession and compromise. It is an edict, an order passed down to us peasants from those who think themselves lords.

Nonsensical, self-serving, and tyrannical edicts led the Founders to separate governmental responsibilities in the first place. The legislative branch makes laws; the executive branch enforces laws; the judicial branch weighs laws against the Constitution. Their “checks and balances” solution is as elegant today as it was 250 years ago. Nowhere in this cycle does the executive have the ability to decree, mandate, or impose anything—the power of the few in the executive branch should be confined by the collective decisions of the many in the legislative.

As a COS petition signer, you understand perfectly well that nothing is “checked” or “balanced” anymore in Washington. You know that indiscriminate governmental overreach into every damn aspect of our lives is federal policy. You recognize that instead of actively limiting the power of the executive, the judicial reinforces it by dismissing obvious cases of federal encroachment without comment. You realize that the legislative is beholden to lobbyists rather than citizens, which is why you appreciate Article V’s power to Constitutionally constrain these runaway officials.

Signing the petition is talking the talk, but what about walking the walk? Volunteering for COSA is a fantastic first step—participating in a grassroots movement, such as COS, is incredibly rewarding and can enact real change within your community and country. By volunteering, you inspire others to confront uncomfortable realities. You prompt others to consider what kind of world inaction and complacency will leave their children. But you can always do more.

No matter who you are, how you came to COS, and what you have done to this point in your life, there is one thing you can do in the face of tyranny: stop complying. Stop obeying mandates. Stop putting on your mask. Stop supporting corporations that salivate over further restrictions, mandates, and edicts. When we all stop complying, it ends. And it ends peacefully.

We know that Washington is not going to help us—the mayor of DC, Muriel Bowser, instituted vaccine passports in the nation’s capitol and only 19 federal lawmakers opposed the move. The Supreme Court let the CMS mandate for healthcare workers stand—soak in that irony: bureaucrats dictating how healthcare professionals must protect their own health. Even though SCOTUS ruled against the OSHA mandate, the White House is telling businesses to proceed with mandates anyway, in defiance of the highest court’s ruling. The people, through the proxy of their state legislators, need to intervene now more than ever and put an end to the fanatical power grab of the DC swamp.

A friend of mine made the video posted below, juxtaposing the actions of those fighting for freedom and those promoting worldwide tyrannical edicts. Please take a few minutes to watch it:

To me, the rhetoric used by politicians in the video demonstrates one thing: they are afraid—terrified. They know that we, the people, hold the power. All over the world, people are peacefully rising up against their tyrannical leaders, blowing holes through their narratives, and actively engaging in non-compliance.

Never forget—a mandate is not a law.

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