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Convention of States!


The Paradise of Freedom

Published in Blog on June 04, 2021 by David Simmons

Old soldiers never die, they just live on to bug the hell out of those that hate America.

Flawed and human as they were, I believe the 55 delegates at the Constitutional Convention and the composers of the Declaration of Independence produced divinely inspired documents

The Declaration of Independence has been referred to as the Golden Apple with the US Constitution, its silver frame— allow me to stretch this analogy further: the Declaration of Independence is a garden, a garden where the fruits of freedoms are made self-evident by God's Grace. The first recorded words of God were "You are free..." (NIV).

The wall around this "garden" is the Constitution, created to allow (by consent of the people) some of their sovereign power to be loaned to the individual parts of the political structure in exchange for certain, limited functions for "common good and security." 

What is a single word for a walled garden? "Paradise." So, God inspired 55 flawed sinners to create a Paradise within the words of these two documents. Our founding documents.  

Like Adam, it is up to us to tend to and defend this Garden. The great serpent, Satan, is alive within it. He tempts and sows distrust of our Equality, Liberty and Happiness.

Consequently, we must put on the armor of God and do battle. Not with man's instruments of violence, but with thoughts, words, reason and will power. Once again the battlecry of Michael the Archangel must be heard "Who is like unto God?” For surely some of our fellow citizens ripping holes in the walls around our Garden declare, through their leadership, that they are " unto God."

But do not despair, for we are living in a blessed time. We have the opportunity and duty to do battle to save our Constitution. We can defend our way of life and our home. We can save our families and our nation's soul against the King of Liars and his minions.

Go forth into battle and be joyful, for last weekend we remembered those who fought their fights, all of their lives. Their skies were darker than ours. We at least carry the illumination of their experiences to guide us.

God bless you all my Brothers and Sisters.

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