Being a senior citizen in America, or anywhere else in this world, is a gift to those individuals fortunate to enough to survive to that level. These individuals are typically regarded with respect and admiration, and rightfully so.
But there comes a time when someone with advanced age needs to step aside and allow a youthful spirit to take over.
Case in point…Washington DC!
American politicians are the oldest in the world, according to a recent report in the Economist.
Avg Age of Populace Avg Age of Legislators Avg Age of Leaders
In the US 39 years 59 years 81 years
In the OECD* 41 years 51 years 59 years
*Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development includes 25 of the “richest countries” with democratic elections
There is something wrong with this picture.
Being in power is a powerful drug of privilege and money. Today, we are governed by a group of people who refuse to relinquish their power.
Is there a solution? The Convention of States has figured this out….
Article 5 of the US Constitution allows for the states to convene a Convention for the purpose of recommending amendments. The Convention of States Action organization is calling for such a Convention and TERM LIMITS ON MEMBERS OF CONGRESS would be on the agenda. (Incidentally, term limits are supported by over 80% of all Americans.)
Join with us at the Convention of States Action to see what else we have in mind for Washington! Show your support and sign the petition.