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Convention of States piques interest at Louisiana Gun Show

Published in Blog on August 02, 2020 by Doyle Chambers

The Murphy’s Shreveport Gun and Knife Show was a notable success for Convention of States Louisiana. We had more petition signers and support from the public than at any other previous exhibit.

Thanks to COVID-19 and the tyranny of our elected officials, many Americans are considering Article V of the U.S. Constitution as a provision to curb the power of our encroaching federal government. 

The show drew over 2,800 people. We collected a total of 58 signed petitions and passed out approximately 200 COS pocket guides, pocket constitutions, and COS handouts.

The Louisiana team members presented the COS mission with great confidence and a strong knowledge base. The patrons were clearly moved by our enthusiasm and dedication.

What a great team we have! Almost everyone who stopped by our table expressed agreement with the COS Article V solution and their contempt for the way the nation is headed.

Although some had already heard of COS, others had not. How rewarding it was to educate our fellow Americans about the profound possibility that We the People can regain power by using the method our Founders embedded in our Constitution.

People were astounded and relieved to find out that we have a grand opportunity to restore and preserve liberty for generations to come. This knowledge brightened many faces with new hope and, as a result, encouraged the volunteers to keep persevering in their work.

Our great country has many fine patriots who are ready and willing to stand for self governance and liberty. Now is the time to take action while the COS movement has great momentum. Please help us pave the way to restrain the scope of federal overreach.  

Consider serving as a District Captain, the backbone of our organization and our most valued volunteer position. To review other roles that may better fit your interests and skill set, click here and scroll down. 


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