Our country is based on the ideal of personal liberty. Personal liberty is defined by life experiences, moral education by parents and friends, and the assessment of these forces by the person. When dealing with the world around them, this becomes the person’s moral basis. This is the one undeniable right that a truly free sovereign people must retain.
The choices made by an individual will always be assessed through the moral basis of the people who make up the society in which they live. Each sovereign must retain the right to state their opinion in the public forum. A civil discourse is desirable and enhances the thoughts of all parties who follow the discussion but is not ultimately required for free speech.
What is required by the people of this country is the ability to live their lives and speak their views without the threat of physical harm to their person or damage to their financial well-being. This is the only obligation that the government is called upon to ensure through the enactment of laws that punish people who cross that easily definable line.
When dealing with a business entity, the moral view of the person or persons who own the business must hold sway in the day-to-day operation. If society decides that their position is abusive their recourse, is to not patronize the business and speak their opinion in the public forum. The business owners will either change their business model or accept the loss of patronage and profitability.
At no time is it the mandate of state governments to codify the moral view of society. The question of what moral codes any state adopts should remain solely with the people of that state and be subject to scrutiny to determine a non-repugnance to the constitution of that state and the United States Constitution.
Man + Woman + Person = The Sovereign
Published in Blog on January 27, 2024 by Brian Eakin