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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


The Lifeblood of COS

Published in Blog on February 07, 2022 by Thomas Scott


I have not seen a better argument for the Convention of States than this missive from a sister to her brother.

To my naysayer brother,

There IS a reason for Arizonans, and ALL other passed States' citizens, to STILL sign the petition: The MORE Legislators continue to receive a steady flow of signed petitions, the MORE impact they see Convention of States (COS) is having.

And, as MORE Legislators understand the impact COS is having, the MORE attention they pay to COS (after all, WE are their constituents whom THEY represent!). Furthermore, if we can get people in blue districts to sign the petition, Liberal Legislators get the message: COS is non-partisan, and there are PLENTY of liberals getting fed up with the PLETHORA of DC missteps and overreaches. If anything, COS is probably one of the ONLY missions that's UNITING Americans! And, God knows America needs to unify right now, as SO many (too many!) illegitimate divisions have been falsely created. The way I see it, we must at least TRY to save the "United" States our founding fathers created 234 years ago!

Also, the grassroots part of COS may be the most important: When COS communicates that we are 60K+ strong (5.2MM+ strong in America), and WE can support a Legislator's cause, what other group can say this? After seeing the three victories COS had this week, I believe COS is a sleeping giant who is waking up.

If all the petition signers receive an email update in their inbox telling them what's going on with COS, hearing about victories and success, hope is returned to their lives, and that's encouraging to me. It is ESPECIALLY encouraging because SO many Americans are frustrated and want to help, but don't know what to do or where to turn. I think Convention of States can, will, and DOES give a WONDERFUL, NEEDED spark of hope. THAT'S why I want to support and promote COS: I am an encourager and have hope beyond measure that, together, American Patriots can, and WILL, save America. WE ALL MUST NOT GIVE UP AND AT LEAST TRY!

I HOPE you will AT LEAST take 2 minutes to sign the petition, for America. I hope you won't refuse to sign the petition because you don't think a Convention of States will ever be called. Those petitions signed by you are sent to your Legislators with your name(s) on it, and THOSE PETITIONS ALONE are important. We CAN'T discount that "my signature doesn't matter" because THAT'S how we will lose America: by giving up hope that our one signature will not matter.

You have said that COS wants to build its grassroots to gain money: COS has a fight to fight, and it DOES take money, there's no George Soros on our side funding it. If anyone should know that it takes money to run an entity, YOU should! After all, you TEACH people how to run their businesses! YOU know how it works with money: it's needed to pay the bills. So, I don't understand why you are so critical and wary of COS because they have a "donate" button on their homepage. There's NOTHING wrong with asking, and nobody is strong-arming ANYBODY to give a DIME. EVERY group asks for money, but nobody's forced to do it. As I'm sure you know, there are PLENTY of people who can't do ANYTHING but give money. If anybody should know this, you should: YOU'VE run two campaigns yourself!!!!

Personally, I REFUSE to sit on the sidelines watching America go down in a ball of flames! I'd rather go down in a ball of flames FIGHTING for Liberty, and Justice for ALL, than see America die and not have done at least SOMETHING trying to help save her from the tyrannical government currently in DC.

Your loving sister,

Plainly delineated, impactful testimony of one fed up with the failures of our federal government. 

If a word of this resonates with you, please, if you haven’t already, go to and sign the petition. If you have signed, think about your responsibility to your family, friends, and country, then volunteer to help us.  

Stand up with fellow Arizonans! You will make life-long friends who have the same values and concerns as you.

Thank you. 

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