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The future of freedom: Saving the next generation from socialism

Published in Blog on January 07, 2025 by Dani Landivar

The following was written by COS Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) intern Dani Landivar. Learn more about the ELP here.

It feels like it happened just yesterday. I was at my church’s youth group, chatting with friends near the gymnasium. But that evening, the conversation took an unexpected turn — politics, a rare topic among early high schoolers, suddenly became the focus. Even more surprising, the talk shifted from current events to socialism. At the time, I wasn’t interested in politics, but even I was shocked when I realized that almost everyone in the group — over ten peers — believed socialism was not only fairer but better than capitalism. Some even argued that America would be better off as a socialist nation.

You might be surprised to find out this kind of thinking is not a rarity among some younger people today — and a survey conducted by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation revealed what might be the cause of this concerning trend. The results showed that only 27 percent of Americans under the age of 45 had a basic understanding of American history. Even more alarmingly, only 1 in 3 Americans were able to pass the citizenship exam.

Had my peers been familiar with the history of our nation’s founding, they would have known that America experimented with socialism and saw it fail disastrously.

In 1623, the Plymouth colony tried socialism with collective property ownership. But unwillingness to work led to famine, plague, and death. Half the colony perished. Learning from this, they adopted private property, which led to hard work and prosperity. The first Thanksgiving celebrated their newfound success after socialism’s failure.

If the future leaders of our country don’t have a solid grasp of the past and the political systems that shape our nation, how can we expect them to make informed decisions for the future? Engaging with politics isn’t just about voting — it’s about understanding the forces that have shaped the present and will influence the future. Without this foundation, we risk a generation of leaders who are disconnected from the very system they are meant to guide.

As Benjamin Franklin said, “A nation of well-informed men, who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them, cannot be enslaved. It is in the regions of ignorance alone that tyranny reigns.” 

Tyranny can only take hold in our nation if we are unaware of our past. We cannot be enslaved by lies if we know the truth. Understanding history empowers us to become informed individuals, ready to step into the political arena and make our voices heard.

America’s 40th president, Ronald Reagan, famously said,  “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Here’s a hard truth that may be uncomfortable: our freedom is always at risk. Every day, bits and pieces of our freedom are being chipped away right under our very noses. God forbid we become the generation where freedom fades away! By understanding our history, it then becomes our civic duty to get involved in some way, to actively preserve and protect the freedoms we hold dear. 

Whether it’s voting, attending town hall meetings, volunteering for campaigns, or simply engaging in discussions, every action — no matter how small — contributes to a larger shift. Young people have the power to influence the future, and our involvement is critical for shaping a society that truly reflects American values. The future won’t be shaped by those who stand on the sidelines; it will be shaped by those who speak up and stand for truth and American values.
At Convention of States, we offer an excellent resource for young people who want to learn more about how our nation was founded, stay well-informed, and get involved. Our Emerging Leaders Program Internship is designed to educate, equip, and empower young individuals with the essential tools to become engaged and knowledgeable citizens.

It's crucial for young people to actively shape the future. By understanding history, engaging in politics, and becoming informed citizens, we can protect freedom, liberty, and justice. Together, let’s make a lasting impact on the future of America.

Learn more about the Emerging Leaders Program here!

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