Within the Constitution of the United States, Article V addresses the creation of Amendments. There are two ways to create a new amendment to the Constitution.
Up until now, all constitutional amendments have been ratified by the first Article V possibility, which is two-thirds of the U.S. Congress (both houses) shall propose amendments and then they must be ratified by three fourths of the states (38).
Convention of States is the second possibility. Two-thirds of the states (34) must legislate an application for a Convention of States. These 34 states must legislate in both state houses a bill applying for Congress to call a convention.
Congress is bound by the Constitution to call this convention for the purpose of proposing amendments after 34 states have submitted their applications.
All 34 states must apply for the same resolution. Currently, through the activism of the people of this nation, this resolution is in the works all over the country. The focus is on three resolutions: term limits, fiscal responsibility and limited government. In a convention, amendments proposed must meet these three objectives in order to strengthen the rights of We the People of the United States and limit federal government overreach.
Currently, 19 states have already passed this resolution for application of a Convention of States: Alaska, Arizona, Utah, North Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Mississippi, Indiana, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, West Virginia and South Carolina.
That leaves 15 more states needed to apply for the convention. There are currently 20 more states in the process of resolution.
Six of these states have passed COS Resolution in one of the two chambers (state Senate or state House of Representatives): New Mexico, South Dakota, Iowa, Virginia, North Carolina and New Hampshire.
Another 14 states have the COS Resolution active in 2022: Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Maine and Hawaii.
Here in Colorado, it was HJR22-1021 that was introduced on April 11, 2022 in the state House of Representatives. It has eleven sponsors. The motion was postponed indefinitely, which places it in the lowest ranking of priority for motions. However, it’s there and in order to get this resolution out of limbo, Colorado residents will need to find out who their state senator and representative is and let them know you support the call for an Article V Convention of States.
In Colorado, the new Congress convenes on January 9, 2023 until May. Colorado has 35 senators and 65 representatives. To pass the Resolution in both chambers it will require 18 senators and 33 representatives to vote for it.
Your phone call, your handwritten letter and/or your email is what it will take to let the next Colorado Congress know that you want the COS Resolution passed.
You can practice now on the current Colorado Congress. Send them your letters and your phone calls now. Sign up to volunteer at COS Action and find out how you can show up in January with other COS volunteers and personally let your representatives and senators know you want this passed in 2023. Then once again, you can start calling and writing your district’s state representatives.
Let’s add the state of Colorado to the current list of 19 states that have already passed the COS Resolution in both houses.
We can make this happen.
The Countdown to the Convention is Real
Published in Blog on August 26, 2022 by Vivian Garcia