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The CDC Takes Over For Our Own Good

Published in Blog on January 14, 2023 by John Campbell

“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is instructing school administrators to adopt a self-assessment that will measure how “inclusive” their district is for the LGBT community.

“’School administrators: Our LGBTQ inclusivity self-assessment tool can help you quickly gauge inclusivity at your school. See your score today and learn ways to increase inclusivity,’ the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) in a tweet this past Tuesday, December 27. The tweet then linked to a handbook titled, ‘LGBTQ Inclusivity in Schools: A Self-Assessment Tool.’ 

“…Under the guidelines, teachers, school staff and administrators are instructed to measure their commitment to inclusivity through a number of assessments. They are then instructed to determine whether they fall into one of three categories: ‘Mostly A’s,’ who are classified as exceptionally inclusive, ‘Mostly B’s,’ who are seen as on the right path to maximum inclusivity, and ‘mostly C’s,’ which describes educators and staff who are not adequately inclusive.”

You are probably familiar, like it or not, with the ongoing movement to normalize “transsexualism” among children. Transsexualism is termed “gender dysphoria” by the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. Formerly, dysphoria was not a good thing.

A diagnosis of gender dysphoria means that the patient is convinced (or has been convinced) that his “gender” doesn’t match the sex he was assigned by God Almighty. Sex cannot be changed, but a child can be influenced to mimic the opposite sex. A girl can’t be changed into a boy, but she can be coached to mimic masculine behavior. This is then pounced upon by advocates as proof that she’s really a boy. 

A widespread agenda

Let’s clarify this right here: sex is either male or female and gender is either masculine or feminine. If the DNA that makes us male or female were e.g. collected at a crime scene, forensics would be able to tell which sex its original owner was but not which sex he might wish he were. No non-Marcusian sane person should have any trouble with this paragraph.

A child can be manipulated by misguided teachers, clergy, even parents or any other trusted person working for The Cause, to believe that he is really a girl or at least a nascent sodomist. He will get reinforcement from mainline entertainment sources, public school employees, and any leftists who learn of his plight: and of course now, the CDC. It almost seems like a widespread agenda is being implemented by the people who run things.

And if any parent beefs about it he’ll be told that all the school is doing is following the CDC’s advice. It’s a cover, because the dad who just drove to the school to find out what’s going on wearing a mask alone in his car will just say, “Oh okay,” and forget about it until Johnny wears a dress home from school.

Without informing parents

Johnny can then be given privileges at school that reinforce his new identity, such as the other children must now call him “JoAnna” and get punished for not playing along with his acquired delusion. He gets to use the girls’ restroom, even their locker room, and be allowed to excel on the girls’ sports teams. All of this and more can be done in many states without informing the child’s parents.

School staffs who are not gung ho about rewarding gender dysphoria will be classified as “mostly C” on the CDC’s scorecard (see above). This will probably lead to things like threats of reduced funding for those schools in due time unless someone ruthless enough to enforce compliance goosesteps forth.

Where this is heading

California has just declared itself a sanctuary state for runaway trans teens. "No questions asked, no real mental health assessment, minimal diagnosis, and no parental consent. So long as the minor child can get to California, she can order up any kind of irreversible treatment," said Erin Friday

Not all involved are willing participants in this nightmare. Many have been bullied into cooperating (not to excuse them). It filters in from ubiquitous any sources, and now we have official instructions from the Centers for Disease Control about how schools should “support” children who have been captured by this agenda, and “captured” is the best word to use. 

This sounds monstrous because it is. It can only happen when multiple sources of opinion and “expertise” on this topic are involved in The Cause, and that process is continuing apace. Actually, come to think of it, this can really only happen when governments at all levels arrogate to themselves tyrannical powers that we, the people, have not consented to. 

The Constitution doesn’t give the federal government the authority to create and fund a CDC, let alone to give a CDC the power to advocate for this horror show.

The CDC helped manage the COVID response that included locking down the nation for what was really the flu This destroyed thousands of family businesses. It forced useless, harmful masks onto people, the “social distancing” nonsense, mandatory vaccinations, downplaying vaccine injuries and deaths, etc. Now it’s tracking school districts’ compliance with a program that literally destroys the minds and bodies children. 

The vaccines CDC is forcing into people don’t even work, And we won’t get into the unprecedented rate of injury and death –and COVID– reported among vaccinated people, even pro athletes. 


Parents still in possession of their faculty of reason must remove their children from any and all sources of this demonic agenda by either homeschooling, or choosing a private school that truly behaves in loco parentis. All sources of children’s entertainment must be vetted to ensure that the transsexual agenda hasn’t been inserted into their programming You’d be surprised.

But we must do even more. We must take control of our power-drunk government. “You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you,” as the saying goes. Government is bleeding us dry and going after our innocent children. If we don’t stand up, who will? Does anyone think that our sons who were persuaded that they are girls will fight and win this battle some day?

We only get one chance to raise children. It is our greatest responsibility. Don’t turn that role over to cable channels, the NEA, or the CDC. In fact, let’s get rid of the CDC.

We are Convention of States. Our goal is to amend the Constitution using the Constitution’s Article V to bypass our corrupt congress that can’t even elect a speaker. We have nineteen states on board, we need fifteen more. This solution is big enough to solve this problem. We’ll keep fighting for you until you join us, then we’ll fight together. Sign the petition and get involved at Convention of States.

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