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Convention of States!


The Case for Term Limits

Published in Blog on November 03, 2021 by Jeffrey W Brown

One of the avowed actions of Convention of States is to propose a term limit amendment to the Constitution for House Members and for Senators. As with all actions, there are benefits and there is a downside.

On the Plus Side

We eliminate the "career politician." This is the politician who has lost sight of his objective, which is to serve the American people and these United States. It seems there are some Representatives and some Senators who only want to satisfy their own agenda of being re-elected so they can keep feeding at the public trough. Most of our elected representatives are wealthy--they come to Congress poor and leave wealthy. How does this happen?

Some politicians have lost touch with their constituents. Representatives of the people are there to do just that, represent the people. They are supposed to temper their representation with due-diligence based on studying all sides of a question and then make a decision that is right, that satisfies the Constitution, and that gives the best outcome for the United States. How many of those decisions have you seen lately?

Old age is not kind to some people. Most companies impose a mandatory retirement age. Should we have a mandatory retirement age for our representatives? We would get new ideas, new solutions for problems, and better representation because representatives would be closer to life as lived on the streets.

It is true that representatives’ first term may be filled with activities to be re-elected, but their last term should allow them more focus on leaving a legacy than on fundraising.

The American people would be forced to consider new representatives and maybe vote for issues rather than name recognition.

On the Downside Side of the Ledger

There is an argument that experienced representatives know how to get things done and do not have to waste time on the learning process.
Experienced representatives also learn to game the system for their direct benefit.

Long term congressional representatives also benefit from name recognition and certain other privileges (such as franking) that challengers do not have. When was the last time you received a newsletter from your Senator or Representative?

People tend to vote for people they recognize. Challengers are not recognized because they do not have the tools that incumbents have. To overcome this disadvantage, term limits would level the playing field, introducing new candidates from which to choose.

Why Term Limits is Still the Best Solution

Experienced legislators have more time to develop a circle of friends to which they can give favors and receive largesse. Lobbyists are devious with their ability to corrupt people who can make decisions. Their vehicle is money that a representative can use for re-election and profit. Term Limits removes some of this temptation.

Not all Senators and Representatives can be painted by this brush, but some representatives need to be moved out and new blood installed. In the end it is up to the American people to elect those who can serve the United States’ best interest. Are you happy with the way things are going today?

Maybe it is time for a new Representative or Senator. Congress will not fix itself. It is up to us. Convention of States is the vehicle that can bring back the principles on which our Constitution is founded.

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