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The Call to Freedom

Published in Blog on July 02, 2023 by Sheri Waldrop

At times, there is a film that moves you, that causes you to weep and is life-changing. “Sound of Freedom” is such a movie.

Its story is based upon a real-life hero that few have heard of, Tim Ballard, a former US government agent with Homeland Security played in the movie by actor, Jim Caviezel. This true story has more action, danger, and suspense than most large-budget movies. At the heart of the movie is the story of two children: a brother and sister who have been abducted and trafficked, and Tim’s attempts to rescue first them, and later many others.

It shows how the criminal rings have organized trafficking throughout the Americas, and shares shocking information, including the fact that the United States is the largest consumer of children hired for sex in this ugly industry. It shows several actual sting operations that Tim and others conducted and highlights the importance of exposing what is going on, and actually doing something about this growing epidemic in our country.


In the State of Michigan in 2020 alone there were 258 cries for help from self-identified victims of trafficking to the National Human Trafficking Hotline. This is a crime against individuals that needs to be stopped, and becoming better informed about this problem is a start.

We can’t all be Tim Ballards, but we can support what he is doing by asking that “Sound of Freedom” be brought to our local theaters, and by letting its message be heard.

Here's a short trailer.

Find out where it's playing locally near you.

Learn what is really happening to the very young and vulnerable, whose voices are often unheard, and whose rescue truly is a sound of freedom.


1. National Human Trafficking Hotline Data Report, Michigan State Report, 1/1/20202 to 12/31/2020. Available online.

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