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to call for a

Convention of States!


The Blob Strikes Again!

Published in Blog on April 27, 2024 by Guy Richter

 The putrid stench of partisan politics permeated our State Capitol on April 22. The slimy smell came from 8 blobs sitting on a House Committee named “State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs”. This gang of 8 pocket politicians killed the critical Convention of States Resolution, effectively silencing the voice of all Coloradans. They voted “nay” in spite of several compelling testimonies that described why Article V of the Constitution needs to advance to the general assembly for discussion. It was the most blatant display of ignorance and partisan politics imaginable! 

One blob took off on a rant about January 6 and the stolen election; about why we can’t “agree” that the election was fair; and “agree” that J6 was an insurrection. “Agree” meaning its gotta be their way or no way. If we don’t “agree”, then they won’t pass HJR24-1024 out of committee. THAT’S BLACKMAIL!!

Here is my message to the Blobs:

How can you call yourself an American, much less a representative of the people? Democrats and Republicans must work together. That’s bipartisan politics. That’s how a constitutional republic functions; and that’s what makes America so great. But you choose to ignore your Constitutional duty and blindly rule the people with absurd partisan politics. America is crumbling, and your intentional and unfounded decision to kill HJR24-1024 assures our collapse.

I heard the shame and guilt in your voices as you mumbled “nay” to the future of our country. I pinched my nose as the stink of blatant partisan blobs wafted to the ceiling. You are a failure to our government, and you have failed the people of Colorado. 

Your pitiful behavior gives even more credence to our cause. It ignites even more patriotism in We The People. It makes us even more determined to pass the Convention of States Resolution in Colorado and across the country.


Our grassroots army is growing fast.  Check it out and sign the petition. Get involved. Stamp out the stinking swamp, and bring fresh air back to our government!


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