True patriots who seek to live in an economically thriving, freedom-loving society might share the recent sentiments of US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene as Tweeted on February 20, 2023:
“We need a national divorce.
We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government.
Everyone I talk to says this.
From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done.”
Greene followed with several Tweets suggesting a national divorce as the solution to several additional painful realities plaguing the United States such as eliminating both climate cult lies and ESG scoring.
She went on to propose that a red “state” would control education, trade and commerce, fair elections, and communication thereby reducing the size and expense of a large federal government. She stated that Law enforcement and Federal agencies like the Department of Defense would resume operations in accordance with their original intentions. Additionally, prayer and the National Anthem would be required in schools.
As we desperately navigate the battle for the soul of our country, it’s tempting to consider how a simplistic statement suggesting a national divorce might seem a solution. After all, we could just stick the radical left in their own blue Marxist corner of the continent. Detached from those pesky traditional American resources such as faith, freedom, guns, borders, a workforce, and truth, a sovereign blue state could finally operate as the utopia Progressives have been imagining for over a hundred years without the eternal drag of “red” ideology.
As for a new red state, would it really get the US Navy in the divorce settlement? The nuclear warheads? The coasts? How our adversaries would just love watching this unfold!
Realistically, what does a national divorce look like?
It’s impossible to conceptualize Marjorie’s national divorce because it’s ludicrous on its face. As former U.S. Representative Liz Cheney pointed out correctly in response to Greene’s Tweets, “Our country is governed by the Constitution. You swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Secession is unconstitutional. No member of Congress should advocate secession, Marjorie.”
But what if we could envision a national divorce another way through the advancement of federalism? Contrary to what it may seem, federalism refers to the sharing of power between the Federal Government and the states. The Constitution lists only 17 enumerated powers assigned to the Federal Government. All other powers belong with the states. Unfortunately for decades, states have forfeited power to a greedy Federal Government.
An Article V Convention of States could promote federalism through the passage of liberty amendments thus returning the power back to the states. Such amendments could include a limit on Federal taxing and spending, the repeal of the 17th amendment to restore the Senate, the reduction of unnecessary bureaucracy, and the creation of a process by which the states could invalidate Congressional laws, resolutions, or statutes.
The national divorce we envision is not a schism among red and blue states. It is a crucial recalibration of power between the states and the Federal Government. An Article V Convention of States is the only means of accomplishing it.
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