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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Surge Day! Purge Day!

Published in Blog on December 14, 2023 by Guy Richter

It’s prime time people! Convention of States Article V is on the goal line and ready to purge the swamp! We need a COS Surge at the Capitol in Denver on January 10, 2024 to win the game. It’s the future of our nation at stake, and we’re all players !

Most everyone agrees that change is needed, but how do we do it? The answer is Article V of the Constitution which allows states to hold a convention and propose amendments to the Constitution. These amendments would focus on three areas of government that are deeply corrupt and terribly inept: 

1. impose fiscal restraints (i.e. balanced budget) 

2. limit the terms of office

3. limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government

A minimum of 34 states are required to hold this convention. Colorado is very close to being one of those states, but we must first pass the COS resolution during the 2024 legislative session which begins January 10. We need a Surge of patriots to visit the Capitol on that day and promote the cause. A strong show of support will impress the legislators. Come and be a part of history. Experience the patriotism and comradery of fellow Americans. Bring your friends. The importance of this movement cannot be overstated. Try to attend in person, or write letters to legislators. If we all do a little, it suddenly becomes a lot.

The COS Resolution must first pass a committee vote before moving to the general floor for discussion. This committee consists of 10 members who need to hear from all of us. There is a letter-writing campaign initiated by the COS Veteran’s Coalition. It’s easy to do. Click here:

If you're really motivated to write to more legislators, then click here and go for it:

You can get ideas from these letters and then compose your own message. As the hyperlink explains, each of your letters will be addressed to a different committee member and sent to Fort Lupton. Get your letters in the mail before Christmas. From there, this huge bag of letters will be hand delivered to each member on January 10. What an impressive show of force and determination! This grassroots movement is growing fast, and they can’t ignore it anymore. Our State Congress will have to listen and act.

So get in the game! Participate in this exciting movement that will save our country. As Ronald Reagan warned us 30 years ago: “Either you will control government, or government will control you.” We must preserve our freedoms now and forever. Do whatever you can for the Surge. Attend on January 10 or write letters today. NOW is the time for We the People to take action!

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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