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to call for a

Convention of States!


Stop yelling at your TV and get involved with COS

Published in Blog on February 24, 2020 by Susie McCleskey

Convention of States Oklahoma State Director John Guinn decided in 2018 to “stop yelling at his TV” and apply for a leadership position after finding Convention of States on Facebook.

An Air Force veteran and Chief of Information Infrastructure at Tinker Air Force Base for 37 years, John retired from the government and went on to work as an IT manager in the commercial sector for seven years before coming on board with Convention of States full time in June of 2018.

As an Adjunct Professor for OSU and Rose State College, John had warned his students about federal overreach and the corruption of the Commerce Clause, planting the seeds of his activism. From that start, he became involved in a PAC to support oil and gas initiatives in the state and came face-to-face with legislators, building relationships with them and meeting Tom Coburn for the first time.

When John applied with COS, Oklahoma only had a few active volunteers and no state leadership. Under his leadership, our goals to grow our team, improve recruiting, on-board and train new members, develop relationships with our legislators, improve communication, and remove the sunset clause from our COS resolution (SJR41) are all bearing fruit, and he’s just getting started!

John not only leads Oklahoma as State Director, but he’s also active in his community through the Norman Masonic Lodge and Grand Lodge of Oklahoma. He also volunteers with Prevent Blindness screening at all Norman elementary schools. He loves hunting and fishing, raises horses, and rides motorcycles. He is married to Kandy Jo, and they have five children and eight grandchildren.

If you want to stop yelling at your TV, go to the COS website, sign the petition, and get involved!

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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