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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Stop the transformation of America

Published in Blog on November 09, 2018 by Tracy Schuster

I am writing this as a citizen of Montana, as a proud patriot of our country, and as a grandmother of 10.

I was never a political activist, until I heard these words spoken: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Those words that didn't send thrills up my leg, they sent daggers into my liberty-loving heart and prompted me to be a vigilant defender of liberty ever since. 

For years, we watched in heartbreaking disbelief as our country was indeed being transformed. 

We felt our voices being silenced, our values being ridiculed, all while the national debt kept rising. 

When I became aware of Article V and the Convention of States Project from listening to Mark Levin, I deliberated, researched, and decided to get involved.

Once I learned about the Article V provision, which provides state legislatures and We the People the means to decentralize the conglomerated power in D.C. and return power back to the states, I could not walk away from it.

It calls you to participate. Being involved with Convention of States has allowed me to channel my frustrations and energy into something positive and constructive.

I am absolutely convinced that Convention of States can make great strides in restoring our constitutional republic. The fight before us is all about liberty.

If there are any people here who don't know about Mark Levin, let me tell you he is a patriot through and through. He articulates how statists are systematically unraveling our constitutional structure and our civil society.

He inspires us to rise to our own salvation. He is as loyal of an American as you can find. He is a champion to the cause of liberty. 

Through Levin, it became clear as glass that statists do not embrace the same principles and documents that we embrace. Statism leads to tyranny and oppression.

Liberty, on the other hand, has lifted people out of darkness and provided hope in despair. It has refined the character of man, given courage to the frightened, and has changed the course of history.

What kind of people are we if we allow America’s liberty to be stolen away by the few in DC? We are the many. We are the patriots with great resolve. We are those who will defend liberty! 

The reason why so many people are getting behind the Convention of States is because it is for every citizen. It is a means for every American to restore OUR government, OUR constitutional principles, and OUR civil society. Statism is only for the self-proclaimed elites in D.C.

Our Constitution applies to every single citizen in every single state regardless of race ethnic background, gender, age, you name it. It applies to everyone, because liberty is America's heritage.

The millions of Americans who support Convention of States do so because we believe in our founding principles and are steadfastly committed to them.

Our constitutional principles are essential to preserving our individual liberties, our prosperity, our national uniqueness, and America’s greatness.

A look upon our history has proven that the federal government cannot be trusted to preserve our constitutional structure. The feds are the cause of its erosion, continuing to march us toward statism and squandering the blessings bestowed on us.

Our Founding Fathers knew what life was like under despotic rule and therefore created our representative republic, with its separation of powers and checks and balances to protect individual liberty and our natural rights.

The goal of Convention of States Project does not end with an Article V convention. As a matter of fact its mission is to continually awaken the people to the necessity learning about our constitutional principles, treasuring them, standing with courage in defending them, and passing these principles on to future generations. 

There is a monumental shift going on, one that Convention of States is driving. I am confident that this movement will be the biggest national movement in the history of our country, but it is up to us to make that happen.

We do not have to be passive witnesses to the loss of our republic, because we were given Article V.

Rise with grace and dignity. Don't cower. Don't quit. Let's restore our republic.

I could not look my grandchildren in the eyes without doing all I can to hand off the blessings of liberty to them.

Please contact your legislators and let them know how much your support this effort. Get your family and neighbors involved.

Click here to get involved!
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