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to call for a

Convention of States!


Stop the Insanity Now

Published in Blog on September 13, 2021 by Deborah Efurd

One of my favorite quotes, largely attributed to Albert Einstein, is “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” As a counselor, I know this quote well, having witnessed it widely used by recovery groups.

Today, however, there’s a different application for this quote– our political system and the government bureaucracy which has been strangling American freedom for decades.

For weeks, I’ve been in a stupor watching the events unfold in Afghanistan. Like all of you, with each new day I witnessed America dragged through the sewer, tarnishing our reputation and showing little regard for our fine men and women who serve us so proudly. American lives were lost. America’s foreign policy has been ripped to shreds around the world. I often wonder if America will ever soar like an eagle, our great American symbol, again.

To make matters worse, our domestic policy has plummeted. Fear grips this country with a pandemic bolstered by an administration that lacks clear and cohesive messaging. We are told the government is following the science, but it seems the science changes with each news cycle. This is a classic case of government intruding upon our healthcare.

Then, we come to costs and inflation hitting our pocketbooks. They are rising dramatically, spurred by lack of supplies and low workforce. I pass a new “Hiring Now” sign everyday. One week we go to our favorite restaurant, the next week they are closed because the crew didn’t show up.

Next comes the dramatic rise of our national debt. America’s solvency is falling off a cliff. The bureaucrats say our debt is not a problem– just raise the U.S. debt ceiling. Most of America works off a budget, but not Congress. They have been too busy trying to pass legislation worth trillions of dollars of debt.

Moving on to our courts. We have become a litigious society. We pass laws that lack clarity. It is a guarantee someone will sue– either an individual or the government. Sure as shootin’ you can find a judge somewhere that will side with you on any particular subject.

Then comes our kids. What our children are taught in school lasts a lifetime. Hence, my concern with the mandated progressive theories becoming part of school district curriculum. Add to the mix gender identity laws that impact male and female athletes. Every parent has a right to be concerned about federal indoctrination of our children. Every parent should be involved in their local school district so their voices and those of their children will be heard and counted.

There's also voting and election integrity. Will we ever be able to trust the voting process again in this country? That comes through working with the county, state and federal levels to establish voting procedures that uphold election integrity. With Congress’ current proposed legislation to provide national federal oversight to all state/local elections, I have my doubts.

Just this week, the National Archives Records Administration has placed a “harmful language alert” on records in the website’s catalog, including the nation’s founding documents. The statement warns readers that the documents they are reading may “contain harmful language that reflects attitudes and biases of their time.” Warnings of graphic and violent content in historical documents are also given. It goes on to say, “as a result, some of the materials presented here may reflect outdated, biased, offensive, and possibly violent views and opinions.”

I could go on and on ad infinitum. The list of problems America faces grows exponentially. What is alarming is the rate at which our freedoms are being eroded.

I speak to a lot of people about the problems in this country. Everyone agrees we have massive problems, but when asked what we should do, they reply, “just vote in more conservatives.” Well, that’s what the voting public has tried to do for over 100 years and where has it gotten us? Deeper down the proverbial rabbit hole!

I say it’s time to get off the insanity roller coaster NOW– TODAY! Fortunately, there is a vehicle to put a stop to this madness through an Article V Convention. Article V is the solution as big as our problems and was right here under our noses all along in our Constitution.

Instead of going back and forth with each administration playing the blame game and issuing executive orders voiding the previous administration orders, the amendment process which lasts generation-after-generation can be passed to provide term limits, limit government overreach, and control federal spending. Our Founding Fathers intentionally made the process hard so it would be lasting.

Folks, if ever there was a time to get involved, that time is TODAY. Sign the Convention of States petition and volunteer to join the largest grassroots army of self-governing patriots in the history of our country. Don’t let party politics tell you who to support and how to vote– decide for yourself! For more information,

Click here to get involved!
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