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Stillwater Patriots Introduced to Convention of States and Article V

Published in Blog on March 28, 2022 by Tommy Jensen

At Stillwater’s Central Rural Elective Cooperative (CREC) Community Center, Convention of States Action Oklahoma District Captain Judi Kail held an organizational meeting to introduce 20 new patriots to COS and our U.S. Constitution’s Article V process. 

After DC Kail opened the meeting and established the agenda, State Events Coordinator Marty Piel delivered the invocation. Next, we were treated to a rousing rendition of our Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem from local resident, Ben Burnsed. 

DC Judi Kail was also honored during the meeting. State Grassroots Coordinator Becky Wolfe presented DC Kail the Convention of States “Patriot Pin” for her dedication and support to COS Oklahoma. Across multiple areas, her heart of a warrior was on constant display. Like building-up her district membership and putting together local events, she set-the-standard with her tireless, every day support of COS Oklahoma.

Our State Director John Guinn delivered a presentation on the Convention of States. 

SD Guinn’s focused on how the organization started, its current mission to help the Oklahoma state legislature and their resolution application to Congress under Article V of the Constitution of the United States, for the calling of a convention of the states limited to proposing amendments to the United States Constitution that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress. Importantly, SD Guinn highlighted Colonel George Mason’s efforts that established Article V within the Constitution.

With the recent West Virginia legislature’s passage of their Article V Resolution, the state became the 18th “passed state.” For a convention of states to be called, 34 state legislatures must pass their Article V resolution applications and forward these to Congress. 

Attendees were urged to get involved and if so moved, volunteer for positions within our state COS organization as we continue our fight in defense of liberty.

Tommy Jensen is a retired U.S. Navy cryptologist, historian, and currently State Content Writer and Legislative Liaison member for Convention of States Action Oklahoma. 

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