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Steve Deace Joins COS New Jersey for inspiring webinar

Published in Blog on July 29, 2020 by Seth Essendrop

On Thursday, July 23, Convention of States New Jersey hosted another "COS at Home" webinar. This time they joined by BlazeTV host Steve Deace.

Those who attended previous webinars knew to expect a substantive and scintillating discussion. Sure enough, this month's session did not disappoint.

Right from the introduction, Steve's passion for grassroots activism was on full display. When talking about the arc of his career, he spoke at length about his early experience as a radio host in Iowa during the 2008 presidential primaries.

In that campaign, he recognized that radio had potential for far more than just generating money from ad revenue: it could be an effective tool to organize and mobilize grassroots voters.

And that is exactly how he has used it ever since.

State Director Jonathan Viaud kicked off the discussion by noting Steve's initial skepticism of the idea of a Convention of States,  asking what ultimately changed his mind.

Like many, Deace had harbored misgivings about the unintended consequences of such a drastic solution, considering it "Pandora's Box." He likened an Article V convention to a Hail Mary pass in football--as likely to be intercepted as it is to succeed, and only a good option when time is running out.

"Culturally, we are at that point," Deace said. "The clock is ticking."

As our constitutional freedoms are rapidly being eroded, he pointed out another stark reality: we are on our own. The cavalry is not coming.

Citing multiple examples, he explained that the Republican Party is not interested in preserving our liberties, and the next great candidate is not the panacea for our national ills.

"We are the people we've been waiting for," he stated, ironically quoting Barack Obama.

The conversation ended on a hopeful note as Steve expressed faith in the power of the grassroots, recounting multiple longshot victories, and fruit that still remains from his time organizing in Iowa.

It's an exciting time to join the COS New Jersey family. Join the movement, and sign up today by visiting the Take Action page!


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