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Convention of States!


Spiritual Warfare

Published in Blog on October 16, 2023 by Gary Harbaugh

            Many have noted the battle we are in is a spiritual battle. In the interest of clarity, I would like to try to describe this battle.

            In this spiritual battle the two opposing forces are the power to control others versus a force for freedom. Our enemy fights, especially using information control, to induce people to blindly submit their free will to the whims of a dark spiritual force. This force claims to be legitimate and backed by experts. Information control is really soft propaganda that creates division, irrational fears, social pressures, and threats of potential punishment to secure its influence. In the lingo of the movie The Matrix, “Take the blue pill and just get on with your life,” (as an obedient slave to a cunning master.)

          In opposition to the Spirit of Dominance or Control is the Spirit of Freedom. This spirit is whole, complete, and even holy, because it is consistent with how we were created. Freedom begins with the ability to pursue truth, and this pursuit can exist only with free exchange of information and alternative points of view. Your spirit is either free to pursue truth and make its own choices for its own reasons, or it is not. Free will must not be manipulated, arbitrarily regulated, controlled, or governed by an outside force. Every tyrant begins with controlling information, and the dark spirit of control seeks to define each problem such that its power will force people into its solution.

          If we are to have limited government, and the if Spirit of Freedom is to prevail, then We the People will need to use Article V to defeat the dark powers of deception and control that are rooted into places where controlling spirits always seek to reside. Limited government can be a benign and beautiful servant, but a government with excessive power is a heinous and nefarious master.  Please, join this battle on the side of freedom!

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