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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Speaker in Chaos

Published in Blog on October 08, 2023 by Benjamin Vincent

As we watch the dumpster fire that is the Republican Caucus in Washington DC, I could not help but address under the mindset of one who supports an Article V Convention of States.

To see the chaos, knowing that so much of is purely motivated by political jockeying, is disheartening to the country. No matter what side of the aisle, or who you support as Speaker of the House.

The nation is $33 Trillion in debt, and the fiscal liabilities are in the $200 Trillion plus range. And what we observe in Washington DC is a beauty pageant amongst those who want to cut more spending but never vote for spending to be cut. And then accuse those who fought for spending cuts of not doing enough to cut spending.

The Southern Border is so porous that it gives a sponge a bad rap. We are absorbing both good (in small amounts) and bad (in large amounts) individuals who will alter the safety and security of our nation through that border.

And yet in Washington DC amongst Republicans, we just set back any effort to fix the border because of cults of personality.

And this is the problem with Washington DC in general, and why the American people are fed up with the system. We have obvious problems that need to be fixed.

We need to cut spending everywhere except our military in large scale fashion.

We need to secure our Southern Border permanently and deport all law breakers who came across this border. If they break one law in coming here, why will they obey any other laws of our society?

But as we wrangle about getting a Speaker of the House that can somehow both pass appropriation bills with reduced spending, and make everyone 100% happy that enough was done, we continue to spend ourselves in oblivion as a nation.

The fall of Rome hasn’t seen anything yet compared to what we are looking forward to as a nation if we do not alter course with a complete turnaround.

And while a Speaker of the House set on securing the border and reducing the size of government is better than one who is against these things, we also have two other branches of government that can nullify what takes place in the house.

All these chaotic events only sidetrack Americans from focusing on the solution that is bigger than the problem, which is an Article V Convention of States.

Only when honest people outside of Washington DC, with the goal of securing Liberty and Prosperity for those who come afterwards set their mind to alter Congress outside of Congress, through means that demand Congress act, will we see sustainable efforts to grow and expand Liberty and Prosperity in America.

Will you join the Patriots that are concerned about our country, not just more political beauty pageantry? Sign the petition and join the Convention of States movement today!

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