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Governor Desantis Understands His Duty in Our Constitutional Republic

Published in Blog on October 21, 2021 by Dakota Windancer

For every problem there is a solution, and while mainstream media reports falsely that a driver shortage is the cause for goods not being delivered, our Governor knows better! 

Governor DeSantis mirrors the voice of We the People and has become the "Paladin" of our turbulent times acting on behalf of not only Floridians, but for the workers of America. 

Governor DeSantis has extended an open invitation for the cargo ships to make Florida their docking destination. Working with Michael Rubin, President and CEO of the Florida Ports Council, "Florida is open for business and is the solution in resolving the global supply chain crisis."

While DeSantis' policies are fostering a working America, and nurtures the state economy by resisting a host of mandates sent down from the White House, they in turn, become the affecters of American ideals and Constitutional living.

We the People of Florida are enduring the stormy weather of political jousting, because our Governor does not sleep on his watch!

While some parts of our government work to undermine the inalienable rights of its citizenry, the "Paladin" of Florida champions those causes with righteous temerity!

The federal overreach of the White House does not prevail in Florida as it does in other states because Governor DeSantis uses his influence for fostering, affecting, and nurturing the economic and general health for all Floridians. Florida is now among the lowest rate of Covid-19 infection, to give one example.

Isn't it alarming to you that the states that are languishing, are led by the negative influences of authoritarianism, censorship, and propaganda ministries? 

America is in a mid-life crisis with the added enhancer of its own growing pains. Republic or Socialist... remembering of course that Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried.

While some wish to sever the bonds of kinship with our Forefathers and surrender to the woke and progressive ideology of Karl Marx, the majority of us are bonded by their words of, "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death"!-Patrick Henry. 

From the experience of our personal worldbuilding we know this to be true... 

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude, energy and persistence conquers all things."- Ben Franklin 

Governor DeSantis understands the words of James Madison when he said, "Ambition must be made to counteract ambition, the advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty." 

We the People are the only legitimate fountain of power according to James Madison. If we believe that in any measure, then we also must ACT!

Mitigating the nation's midlife crisis and growing pains is achieved when we ACT! Coming together as Americans in unified action to preserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask, ACT! Action will delineate and define you"-Thomas Jefferson

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