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South Carolina Congressmen Jeff Duncan (SC-03) endorses a Convention of States at Tea Party Coalition Convention

Published in Blog on July 17, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-3) endorsed the Convention of States Project during his “Defending Liberty” speech at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention on January 17th.

This endorsement reflects the growing dissatisfaction with the status quo in Washington and follows other recent endorsements of the Convention of States Project this year by presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Thomas Sowell, American economist and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. 

Congressman Duncan said, “It is growing more and more evident that the solution to America’s challenges will not come from Washington, but from the people. Thankfully, the people have been given a Constitutional solution in Article V—one that enables the states to reclaim their rightful power. At this time in our Nation’s history, I believe our only meaningful legal recourse for the ongoing abuses of power in Washington, D.C. is to use Article V by calling for a convention of states to propose amendments that will rein in our runaway federal government. That’s why I am proud to lend my full support for the Convention of States Project, as the only solution big enough to tackle America’s challenges.”


(South Carolina State Director Bob Menges (left), Congressman Duncan (middle), and Regional Director Ken Clark (right))

“Congressman Duncan emphasizes our point that Washington has grown too big and has overstepped its constitutionally limited powers,” said Mark Meckler, President of Citizens for Self-Governance and co-founder of the Convention of States Project. “The ultimate keepers of the rule of law and the Constitution are the people.  Their power is exercised through the state legislatures, where decisions are made closer to the people.  An Article V Convention is the ultimate exercise of this power.  We thank Congressman Duncan for taking leadership and encouraging the people of South Carolina to join the movement for a Convention of States.”

More and more statesmen and constitutional expert are stepping up to urge citizens and state legislators to use this constitutional tool before it is too late.  

These include such well-known political figures as retired U.S. Senator Tom Coburn (OK), Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Gov. Sarah Palin, Gov. John Kasich, Gov. Bobby Jindal and Col. Allen West, Senator Marco Rubio and Thomas Sowell. They are joined by conservative legal heavyweights Robert P. George (Chairman of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom), Randy Barnett (mastermind behind Obamacare challenge), C. Boyden Gray (Bush 41 Counsel Ambassador), Mat Staver (VP and Prof. of Law at Liberty University), Andrew McCarthy (former Chief Asst. U.S. Atty. for NY, who led terrorism prosecution against the “Blind Sheik”), Dr. John Eastman, (Dir. Ctr. For Const. Jurisprudence – Chapman Univ. Fowler School of Law), Charles Cooper (outside counsel for NRA, clerk for Justice Rehnquist, and Asst. Atty. Gen. for Office of Legal Counsel, Reagan Administration), and Professor Nelson Lund (2nd Amendment scholar, George Mason University School of Law).​​

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