Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez advocate socialism and rely on half-truths and disinterest to sustain their words. socialism, an economic idea, impacts freedom simultaneously, but Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez don't talk about the negative effects of socialism experienced by people worldwide. Let's consider how people in socialistic nations fare economically compared to people in the United States.
Twenty-two nations today operate under a form of socialism: twelve are social-democracies, six are pure socialism and four are a post-21st Century variety. As a suppressed Capitalistic nation, the United States is the envy of all of them.
The individual wealth in social-democratic countries amounts to maybe $10,000 per person per year. In a pure socialist nation like Greece, individual wealth may reach about $17,000 per year but Greece is the exception; the average annual income for individuals in pure socialist nations is about $13,000. In Venezuela, average annual income per adult is $16,000.
In the U.S. individual wealth is about $62,500 per adult per year. A U.S. family of four considered impoverished received $25,100 per year although food stamps and other taxpayer-funded assistance triples that amount, approximately.
Greece is European Socialism’s poster child while Venezuela implodes as people search for food in garbage piles, eat their pets, flee to other South American countries or stomp their way northward.
A Socialist elected in our government would prescribe such equal misery for the people while enjoying the vast benefits of being in the ruling classs.
In contrast, unfettered Capitalist system responsible for today’s living standard and freedom. In a freedom stack-up of 162 nations evaluated by the 2018 Cato Institute, Greece owns place 61 while Venezuela holds 161st place. Yet, Socialist Bernie and Alexandria continue to cripple Capitalism so that you will eventually feel only the misery felt by those living under Socialism or some variant.
Since “Progressive Teddy Roosevelt”, citizens in critical times have been conditioned to turn to government and demand they “do something.” Government’s hand in crisis creation is either unrecognized or merely ignored; not a process the Founders envisioned. And out of this process government masses more power and control than before the crisis. More power results in more future crises as government distorts by influencing when it should follow the Constitution as written.
And what economic distortions and freedom reductions are ‘Big Government’ or its Representatives promoting today:
- Elected officials believe they can replace the ‘Electric Grid’ in a decade vis-à-vis Green New Deal; it took 100 years to construct initially.
- Everyone unwilling to work or impoverished should be given a ‘living wage’ forever (Green New Deal).
- “Cash for Clunkers” programs; taking operable vehicles off, preventing the poor from owning vehicles while the market and auto industry benefits from newer ones sold (Federal).
- Taxation credits with Socialists advocating for 70 percent basic tax, or higher (Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Bernie Sanders, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand; fundamentally the ‘Lefts” standard position.)
- Minimum wage legislation by Socialists advocate for $15.00/hr.; small business impacted.
- Government subsidies abound in agriculture, solar, automotive, aviation, education, and ad nausea - (Any of the 12 Government Operating Bills).
- Government regulation placing an upper or lower price limit on specific products and services (From 1995 – 2017: An average of 196 new laws and 4000 new regulations per year).
Capitalism’s freedoms to succeed are fettered by massive regulation; the “Home Depot Founder” has stated he could not start up that business in today’s government managed economic environment. Politicians, for re-election benefit, frequently ignore fiscal policy when they could stabilize our economy. That would mean avoiding peaks and valleys by adjusting and cutting spending. Our current government misuse the Constitution’s Article I, Section 8 General Welfare Clause and Commerce Clause, simply barreling down the fiscal road, spending beyond their means (income) and borrowing at will. Why so loose with the Commerce Clause? Because of a ‘bust-the-bank’, flawed Supreme Court decision titled” Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111 (1942)”, where a farmer’s crop, grown for his own use, is subjected to government management as interstate commerce.
So what do we do? The Article V Convention of States can reduce federal government size and scope, tame over-regulation, produce balanced budgets and return seized powers belonging to the States Governments under the 10th Amendment. Would California, operating under the 10th Amendment, have undertaken to bloated “High Speed Rail” project if it had to actually manage cost? Citizens must take the time to read the Constitution, review Convention of States website facts vs. ‘leftist’ fiction arguments, take the pledge and become involved. Join the Convention of States; bring back the government we were intended to have.