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Convention of States!


Sick of COVID

Published in Blog on October 07, 2021 by Mona Kita

I have just come back from a mission trip and found myself unwilling to write this before my trip in case the Big Brother decided to create an issue for me. After all, they have placed people on the "No Fly List" for saying things of which the Feds did not approve. How did we get so far down this control, statist, black-booted road?  

I am sick of COVID. Not sick with COVID, but sick nonetheless.  

"Fifteen days to slow the spread" first appeared in the headlines on March 16, 2020. As of today, it has been 566 days (not that I am counting).

Our Federal leviathan government has continued to limit speech, movement and assembly. Only by rejecting the great grasping hand of the Feds can we hope to return to a normal society and it appears that the only way we can begin to put those limits on Washington is with a Convention of States.

When COVID first reared her ugly head, we were told to wear a mask to protect ourselves. We should thoroughly clean and disinfect anything that came from outside our homes. People dutifully put the mask on and cleaned their grocery bags with bleach wipes before bringing them into their homes. Neighbors even left the FedEx boxes out for 2 days to make sure they did not get the delivery man's cooties.

I am a woodworker and not a doctor, but I know that virus particulates are MUCH smaller than sawdust and I know how much sawdust I breath in on a daily basis when I am wearing a mask. Government recommendations didn't compute for me. I was no safer wearing a mask than not. 

Apparently lots of people began to realize this story didn't hold water and began to take off the masks, still keeping socially distant and never, ever shaking hands... (Oh the germs!!!).

I do wonder if these people who are so afraid of germs kiss their dogs... but that takes me down different rabbit hole.

Well, that was an issue the government needed to solve: If you can't make people afraid for their own lives in such a way as to make them irrational, guilt was the next arrow in their quiver.

"A mask keeps those around you safe." This could be true if I was coughing, sneezing or spitting at those around me. I was not and I was still 6 feet from the nearest human being. "How could you take off the face diaper (my words, not theirs)?" "Do you hate the elderly? Are you trying to kill people?"

Then came arrow number three: "The vaccine will protect you." Quickly followed by "Two COVID vaccines will protect you." Now: "A shot every six or eight months should do the trick. You must get the shot. Do you hate the elderly? Are you trying to kill people?"

It is absolutely clear this is not about public health. It is about power and control. And, before I get letters, yes, I know COVID can be deadly. Yes, I know people who have had to fight for their lives and I know people who have lost that fight.

Here's the deep, dark secret: None of us are leaving this life alive. 

Something is going to kill me one day- it may be a shark, a lightening bolt, or a woodworking accident, but I am not willing to hide in the basement in a bid to extend that life by a single day. I am not willing to live my life like the "Boy in the Plastic Bubble".

If you feel safer wearing a mask, please do so. If you are visiting Grandma and she wants you to wear the face mask, say "Yes Ma'am" and do so. If you have had the shot, or two or three and feel safer, that is great but please, PLEASE stop trying to make the rest of the world afraid of living.

I'm only expecting to live one earthly life and I should not have to wear a diaper on my face at the behest of the federal government.

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