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Convention of States!


Senator's Townhall Bolsters COS

Published in Blog on November 10, 2021 by Thomas Scott

Senator Kelly Townsend, LD16 Townhall, September 30, 2021

Senator Townsend dedicated one-half of her scheduled townhall time to explain the Convention of States and impress upon us its importance.

Returning from Washington, D.C., the night before, she began her presentation to an audience of 85 concerned citizens with a U.S. Constitution history lesson. Those of us not familiar were treated to her casual, easy-to-understand portrayal of the history of the inclusion of Article V.

Many people were unaware of the role George Mason, an original delegate to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, played. He was one of only three delegates who refused to sign the Constitution as written.

Senator Townsend recited a little-known fact that George Washington and George Mason were neighbors and friends until Mr. Mason refused to sign the Constitution as written. According to the Senator, George Washington then “un-friended” him.

Mr. Mason has the distinction of insisting that States have the power to gather and to amend the Constitution under certain circumstances. With great foresight, the Founders knew the federal government could become self-serving with no way to be curtailed. It was understood the congress would not pass laws to restrict its powers.

As it turned out, Mr. Mason was a force. To his credit, he was known to have authored the Bill of Rights for the Constitution, although James Madison took credit. He campaigned for the inclusion of the second clause in Article V. Article V of the Constitution gives Congress the power to amend the Constitution. The second clause gives the states the power to amend the Constitution through a Convention of States.

The fact that George Washington didn’t want to be his friend anymore did not faze Mr. Mason. Mr. William Pierce of Georgia said at the time, “Mr. Mason is a gentleman of remarkably strong powers, and possess a clear and copious understanding. He is able and convincing in debate, steady and firm in his principles, and undoubtedly one of the best politicians in America.” He was able to insist and receive unanimous support for this second clause in Article V.

Senator Townsend was the driving force behind the resolution being passed in Arizona to approve the Convention of States application. She was instrumental in having a convention called here in 2017 where a balanced budget and term limits items were agreed upon. Her support for the Convention of States has enabled Arizona to become an example to the rest of the country encouraging them to never quit working toward the liberty our Founders created for us.

The future is bright for our Convention of States with champions like Senator Townsend in our corner. But we need you! We need everyone who cares about America, who loves their freedom and liberty. If not now, when? If not you, then who?

Volunteers are critical in getting the word out. If you want a future that is controlled by the people, not a federal elitist hierarchy, investigate the opportunities available to you and join us. You will feel good about yourself standing up for liberty and your children will be glad you did!

Our forefathers knew what might happen and they were correct. They provided us the power to take back control—don’t be afraid to use it. 

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