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to call for a

Convention of States!


Second COSA AZ Phoenix Metro /Maricopa County Regional Monthly Meeting

Published in Blog on June 26, 2023 by Ernie Borgoyne

COS AZ Action held their second Monthly Meeting at Pima Canyon Church on 6/20/23.

The meeting was hosted by Kevin Fuhrmann Regional Captain, Carole Wilson, Joelene Williamson, Marshall Sanchez and Ernie Borgoyne.

There was good attendance with 10 new participants (five of whom had already agreed to be volunteers) and one returning from the first meeting who has agreed to volunteer.  It was a lively meeting with excellent engagement by all.

Kevin Fuhrmann presented an overview of the Article V process which prompted questions from the attendees.

Josh Rubio asked what would prevent left wing groups from hijacking the process?

Kevin explained that 34 states must propose "identical topics" to be considered valid for states convention. Kevin further explained that state conventions have occurred several times in our history, for such things as negotiating the Upper Colorado River Basin Compact in the late 1940s. It is true that the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was a states convention but with the explicit goal to fix the Articles of Confederation. There has never been a states convention under Article V, and there is no more need for a Constitutional Convention to completely rewrite our sacred document.

Roger Pickerill was one of the more vocal participants at the meeting. He also attended the meeting in Avondale with the DC project the day before and had a lot of questions.

Roger is a “cage” rider (one who rides a truck, not a motorcycle) and a friend of the local activist “Big Jim” Williams. He talked about his own grass-roots group called Sacrifice, which promotes the protection of the Constitution through the lens of its Judeo-Christian roots. “We are weak, and HE is strong,” referring to the creation and preservation of our sacred Constitution.


The most important takeaway is that many peaceful grass-roots efforts are working to save our country. Although they may come from different perspectives, “There is something for everyone to do, and we must all stay focused.”

Margie Stephanik thinks there is something evil going on in the country and everyone concurred.

Peggy Matney said "we can't sit back," and Ian Salsman said he doesn't want his grandchildren to ask him "why he didn't do anything to stop this."


An overall consensus was that the problem is not Left or Right, the problem is a vertical one (i.e. Federal vs. States, or if you like Elite vs. the People)

What an amazing group of true Patriots!

Actions from this meeting were to write to state legislators and ask them if they support COSA. Also talk to your friends about COSA. The leadership team will work to get the new volunteers into active roles.

We will meet again on July 18th at 7pm at the Church located at 9807 S 48th Street, Phoenix AZ 85044.

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Convention of states action

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