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Convention of States!


Scholarship opportunity for High School Juniors and Seniors in Texas

Published in Blog on August 13, 2018 by Susie McCleskey

High school juniors and seniors have a daunting future. Many plan to attend college to prepare for what’s ahead but they have no idea how they’ll pay for it. Most don’t understand the fundamentals of our Constitution or that our country is a constitutional republic and not a democracy.

Melanie Kriewaldt-Roth, a GW Bridge Academy Government and Economics teacher and COS supporter, is organizing a contest whereby students will be asked to draft a proposal for an amendment as prescribed by Article V of the U.S. Constitution.

Proposals must be of original construction and address a current need or problem threatening our nation’s founding principles as set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution of individual freedom, limited government, and the pursuit of economic prosperity.

The purpose of this competition is to encourage young Americans to consider their ability to influence the outcome of their future in a constitutional republic. They have a voice and the freedom to determine how their government will serve the nation.

For example, this directive can be interpreted to address the $21,000,000,000,000 (trillion) debt they are facing as a burgeoning workforce of the future. (See the US Debt Clock web site for an illustration.) This immense burden heaved upon them by the United States Congress is both unnecessary and irresponsible. Their government should never have allowed this debt to threaten their future.

A second example is the disregard for the rule of law. When a state passes a law to protect its residents and a single federal judge is allowed to decide that an entire state's decision is unconstitutional, this federal legal action creates a barrier between the will of the state and its ability to protect its residents. 

Texas's sanctuary city battle is an example of the kind of judicial overreach that threatens compliance with the Supremacy Clause of Article VI of the US Constitution and our federal immigration laws.

The Qualifying Round written submissions deadline is September 21, 2018. The Qualifying Round judges will choose 15 final round competitors. GW Bridge Academy is securing the participation of several highly-qualified individuals to serve on the Qualifying Panel and the Final Round panel of judges.

The finalists will present their cases before the judges’ panel at Faith Academy, Marble Falls, Texas. Judges will hear presentations, question the contestants, convene for deliberation, and announce three winners the same day. Dates for the qualifying round results and final round event will be announced and posted here at a later date.

Convention of States supporters have an opportunity to help juniors and seniors in public, charter, private or home schools in the state of Texas participate in this contest which will not only help them learn about the amendment process but also win scholarship money for their future college education.

Melanie's goal is to raise $10,000 in scholarship award funds. Three winners will be chosen to receive college scholarships at the Final Round event (1st -50%, 2nd -30%, 3rd -20% of total).

Tax-deductible donations can be made to Helping Hands Charitable in the name of: GW Bridge Academy’s Young Patriots Scholarship Fund.

Don't miss this opportunity to take part in this worthy cause - and stay tuned for instructions on how Texas students can participate in the contest!

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