****BREAKING NEWS: Mission accomplished! Thank you for your quick response. In the past 12 hours, North Dakota Senators' inboxes have been flooded with hundreds of emails in support of HCR 3014. They will request a reconsideration vote this afternoon. Please stop all emails to ND senators unless you are a resident of the state. The Senate floor will convene at 1pm CT on March 25. Click here to watch the proceedings live. ****
For those who haven't been following the story, here's what's been happening in North Dakota:
Yesterday afternoon, the North Dakota Senate voted on the Convention of States Resolution -- HCR 3014 -- to call for a Convention of States to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government. This is the tool given to us by the founding fathers that allows the states to check the runaway power of the federal government, using Article V of the US Constitution. If HCR 3014 passed, North Dakota would become the fourth state in history to successfully pass the application. In a matter of minutes, the measure was defeated 15-31 with absolutely zero discussion on the floor.
Obviously, this was unacceptable.
So we sent out a national call to action, asking our supporters to contact the North Dakota Senate and request they move for a reconsideration vote.
Convention of States patriots responded in a big way! You flooded the North Dakota Senate with calls and emails, and they've promised to request a reconsideration this afternoon.
Now we ask that you please stop all emails to North Dakota senators unless you are a resident of North Dakota. If you are a resident, please feel free to call or email the Senators below and respectfully request their support of HCR 3014 this afternoon.
These are the Senators who voted NO on HCR 3014.
IMPORTANT: Please BCC lfennig@cosaction.com when you send your emails.
Senator | Tyler | Axness | taxness@nd.gov | District 16 |
Senator | Brad | Bekkedahl | bbekkedahl@nd.gov | District 01 |
Senator | Ron | Carlisle | rcarlisle@nd.gov | District 30 |
Senator | Dwight | Cook | dcook@nd.gov | District 34 |
Senator | Jim | Dotzenrod | jdotzenrod@nd.gov | District 26 |
Senator | Robert | Erbele | rerbele@nd.gov | District 28 |
Senator | Tim | Flakoll | tflakoll@nd.gov | District 44 |
Senator | John | Grabinger | jgrabinger@nd.gov | District 12 |
Senator | Joan | Heckaman | jheckaman@nd.gov | District 23 |
Senator | Ray | Holmberg | rholmberg@nd.gov | District 17 |
Senator | Ralph | Kilzer | rkilzer@nd.gov | District 47 |
Senator | Jerry | Klein | jklein@nd.gov | District 14 |
Senator | Karen | Krebsbach | kkrebsbach@nd.gov | District 40 |
Senator | Judy | Lee | jlee@nd.gov | District 13 |
Senator | Gary | Lee | galee@nd.gov | District 22 |
Senator | Richard | Marcellais | rmarcellais@nd.gov | District 09 |
Senator | Tim | Mathern | tmathern@nd.gov | District 11 |
Senator | Philip | Murphy | pmmurphy@nd.gov | District 20 |
Senator | Carolyn | Nelson | cnelson@nd.gov | District 21 |
Senator | Erin | Oban | eoban@nd.gov | District 35 |
Senator | David | O'Connell | doconnell@nd.gov | District 06 |
Senator | Dave | Oehlke | doehlke@nd.gov | District 15 |
Senator | Nicole | Poolman | npoolman@nd.gov | District 07 |
Senator | Larry | Robinson | lrobinson@nd.gov | District 24 |
Senator | David | Rust | drust@nd.gov | District 02 |
Senator | Mac | Schneider | macschneider@nd.gov | District 42 |
Senator | George | Sinner | georgesinner@nd.gov | District 46 |
Senator | Connie | Triplett | ctriplett@nd.gov | District 18 |
Senator | Terry | Wanzek | tmwanzek@nd.gov | District 29 |
Senator | Rich | Wardner | rwardner@nd.gov | District 37 |
Senator | John | Warner | jwarner@nd.gov | District 04 |
These are the Senators who voted YES on HCR 3014.
IMPORTANT: Please BCC lfennig@cosaction.com when you send your emails.
Senate | Howard | Anderson | hcanderson@nd.gov | District 08 |
Senate | Kelly | Armstrong | karmstrong@nd.gov | District 36 |
Senate | Bill | Bowman | bbowman@nd.gov | District 39 |
Senate | Randall | Burckhard | raburckhard@nd.gov | District 05 |
Senate | Jonathan | Casper | jcasper@nd.gov | District 27 |
Senate | Kyle | Davison | kdavison@nd.gov | District 41 |
Senate | Dick | Dever | ddever@nd.gov | District 32 |
Senate | David | Hogue | dhogue@nd.gov | District 38 |
Senate | Lonnie | Laffen | llaffen@nd.gov | District 43 |
Senate | Oley | Larsen | olarsen@nd.gov | District 03 |
Senate | Larry | Luick | lluick@nd.gov | District 25 |
Senate | Joe | Miller | joetmiller@nd.gov | District 10 |
Senate | Donald | Schaible | dgschaible@nd.gov | District 31 |
Senate | Ronald | Sorvaag | rsorvaag@nd.gov | District 45 |
Senate | Jessica | Unruh | jkunruh@nd.gov | District 33 |
Thank-you for fighting with us. In the words of Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
I look forward to telling my grandchildren that our generation did everything we could to protect our nation’s most precious gift: liberty.
Yours in the fight,
Laura Fennig
Grassroots Director
Convention of States Action