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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Saluting COS New Jersey's Patriots

Published in Blog on April 11, 2019 by Jonathan Viaud

Six volunteers from the COS New Jersey team have been awarded the Patriot Pin in recognition of their incredible work and devotion to the Convention of States mission.

Please join us in saluting these New Jersey patriots for demonstrating the type of servant leadership that will lead to New Jersey being added to the growing list of states calling for an Article V convention!

Bill Boniface - State Grassroots Coordinator

Bill meeting with
"The Great One" Mark Levin.

Bill first learned about COS by attending a debate between Michael Farris and Andy Schlafly in May of 2014. Inspired by Dr. Farris's impassioned belief in Article V, Bill signed up to become a District Captain of legislative district 26, and later took on the role of Grassroots Coordinator.

"As I investigated Article V, I learned of the root cause of our country’s problem, which is the gradual erosion of the structure created by the original intent of the constitution," Bill said. "I believe in COS because it is the only movement addressing this core issue, looking to restore the original intent of the constitution, and to restore and protect the liberty of the people."

Bill has worked tirelessly to welcome new volunteers, and provide each of them with the necessary training to be successful in their roles. We are grateful for his leadership.

Gary Brenner - Media Liaison and District Captain (LD-40)

Gary was awarded the
Patriot Pin for his work with
Social Media Warriors.

After hearing Mark Levin talk about COS on his radio program in 2014, Gary signed the petition and looked to get more involved. After attending a few meetings in North Jersey, Gary signed up to become the District Captain of legislative district 40, and later volunteered to become the state Media Liaison.

Gary has excelled in both positions, and is always eager to help his fellow volunteers. He has also taken the lead on making presentations to other organizations, or hosting COS booths at town fairs and festivals.

Commenting on why he believes in COS, Gary said, "The Framers envisioned the need for We the People to organize around the Article V convention process to amend the Constitution, and in the process, reclaim our power and our responsibility to self-govern. That is the subtext to the COS mission - 'Build an engaged army of self-governing grassroots activists' - which is the key to COS reining in the federal government, saving liberty, the Constitution, and the greatness of America."

Rodica Holt - State Information Analyst

Rodica has been a volunteer for COS since 2016. She did her own research on Article V, and after reading the Convention of States resolution, Rodica signed the petition and volunteered for the SIA position on a trial basis.

Although it may have started out as an experiment, Rodica has become an integral part of the COS New Jersey team, even expanding her role to help the National team. Her efforts were recently recognized when she was awarded the prestigious COS Challenge Coin.

"COS is the only option available to the States that will limit the expansion of the federal government," Rodica explained. "Bottom line: state legislatures are closest to the people, and the most important decisions should be made by them."

Tara Fleming - District Captain (LD-13)

Love this picture, Tara!

Tara's sister, through Mark Levin, brought Convention of States to her attention in 2014. Believing COS offered the solution to our country's issues, Tara signed the petition.

Then in December of 2017, Tara expressed an interest in volunteering, choosing to sign up as a Follow-Up Team member in 2018. She was a natural in the position, even helping the National Follow-Up Team to provide assistance to other states.

Always willing to take on additional assignments to further the mission, Tara whole-heartedly accepted the role of District Captain in July of 2018. Her enthusiasm and commitment to COS is always on display, and she has even opened her home as a meeting place for potential volunteers.

Tara explained why she is so committed to COS by saying, "Our shining city on the hill is being destroyed from within. I want to ensure freedom and liberty for future generations!"

Bob Nordin - District Captain (LD-26) and Francesca Nordin - FUT Member & R5 Leader (LD-25)

COS New Jersey's Power Couple! 
Bob & Francesca Nordin

Although COS New Jersey team does not have many husband and wife volunteers, Bob and Francesca may inspire more freedom-loving couples! Like Gary and Tara, the Nordins first learned about Convention of States through Mark Levin.

"As the political climate became more divisive, we sought to learn more about COS, attended meetings in 2017, and agreed with the goals of COS," Bob and Francesca explained.

They both signed up to be volunteers in 2018 and had an immediate impact on the New Jersey team. Bob and Francesca rarely miss a North Jersey meeting, work tirelessly to develop relationships with new petition signers, and are eager to help grow the grassroots foundation.

Though they started as FUT members, Bob recently took over as District Captain of LD-26, and Francesca has become the Relationship 5 leader for LD-25, as they both continue to bring new volunteers onto the COS team.

"We have met so many patriots of multiple political affiliations who believe in America and desire to preserve the integrity of our nation, which makes this work invigorating," they said. "COS is important, because holding a convention--as provided by the framers of the U.S. Constitution in Article V--is a legal and viable means to affect change." 

These volunteers represent the heart and soul of the Convention of States movement. The success that the COS New Jersey team has had and will continue to have in the future is due to their commitment and passion.

The leadership displayed by this group serves as inspiration for new petition signers and volunteers, and COS New Jersey is blessed to have each of them! 

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