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Convention of States!


Russia! Russia! Con-Con!

Published in Blog on July 06, 2023 by John R Guinn

Russia! Russia! Russia! Remember when US Rep. Adam Schiff waved papers in the air and said he had hard evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians?  Knowing the entire time, it was a lie. Nothing more than a sound bite to rile up the public in believing falsehoods to bias them against Trump. Crowds are emotional.  I still know many who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome who are so emotionally invested in the falsehood that when faced with the facts, they refuse to accept it. Even after the investigation proved that the collusion was on the part of Hillary, Shifty Adam Schiff declared that Trump was still guilty of it.  The House democrats collectively had a tantrum when he was censured. Totally united behind a known lie. Truth doesn’t matter to them if it isn’t the truth that supports their narrative. The opposition has no integrity, no honor or dignity evidently. They only care about destroying their enemies so they maintain control and power over you and me. 

Convention of States is also suffering right along with the rest of America. The same tired lies are spread to rile up the public and scare them out of the only solution to our problems. Simply because it isn’t the solution they want or support.   I see articles every day that express the same tired line. “We don’t want a Constitutional Convention! The liberals will take over! We don’t need to re-write the constitution, we just need to follow it!“

For COS, Con-Con is our Russia Collusion.  Both are lies, both are repeated endlessly by our opposition. Both are spread by both sides!  I understand why our opposition (Liberals,, Common Cause, Planned Parenthood) all repeat this. They are supported by Socialists that don’t want anyone to control the reins of power or restrict them. No Term Limits, No reduction in the size of the Federal Government!

But the same is true of folks who, one would think, would support us, John Birch Society, Eagle Forum, and others, but they use the same arguments. It used to confuse me, why would they use the same talking points as those who regularly rail against?  Don’t they see whose side they are taking? Don’t they see the fallacy of their argument? In my experience, the rank and file are unaware of this position, but the leaders know. They know it’s a lie, but they are so invested in their opinion that the facts don’t matter. It’s a lack of integrity and honesty.

When the facts don’t matter, they either have no integrity or they were never interested in the truth.  You are wasting your time and energy trying to talk logically and honestly with someone who does not value either attribute. To quote Dr. Richard Salsman: “Those who insist that certain ideas are not debatable, are those who can’t possibly win the debate. They prefer feeling morally superior to being exposed as intellectually inferior.”

I’ve had these people in my meetings, we have them in our legislature, on both sides of the aisle. I have recently tried to get all the conservative groups in the state to come together to move our conservative cause forward. Put differences aside and unite, just like our opposition does. Together we have a greater audience. Our messages reach more voters, more parents. Individually we are weak, together we are strong!  We see this in COS, an email blast that activates thousands has a much greater impact than one or two visits.  Dozens of visits and letters speak volumes to legislators.

But I’m worried that the other groups will not put aside their opinions.” Fool me once, shame on you…..fool me twice…”  Just recently the state 2023 GOP platform was released and it states that they support the rescission of all previous resolutions to hold a U.S. Constitutional Convention. Perpetuating the lie. It’s part of their mission statement!

In my meetings, I don’t attempt to change the mind of folks like this, it’s pointless. They are attending simply to use the gathering to spread their lies. I focus on stating why they are wrong, show the audience the text of Article V, prove that the word “convention” only appears twice in the constitution and then, only in Article V.  Article V is the only way to amend the constitution.  It doesn’t say anything about re-writing the constitution, but because of it, we have amended the constitution many times over the past centuries and only then with the approval of three fourths of all the states!   If the government had the power to re-write the constitution, I guarantee you that with Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer in charge, they would have done it! The constitution restricts what the government can do, not allow it a blank check to do what they will. I explain how the lie started and who else tells it (it’s easy to judge folks by the company they keep).  Then I move on, I don’t dwell on the topic. I won’t convince the “plant” in the audience, I only need to let the other attendees know the truth.  They can figure out the rest.

However, today, there is a full court press nationally to spread these lies at every opportunity. Why? To stop the advance of an Article V Convention of the States. Because once the Convention is held, once the precedent is set, then Congress will know that it can be easily repeated.  Not that they will toe the line immediately after it does happen, but the fear will be there that if they don’t listen and respond, then it could easily happen again.

So Convention of States has its own Collusion story!  It will be repeated endlessly by those against us and the media as we gain momentum.  But the key is to prove to everyone else in the room, that these are lies. We can’t change our opposition, but we can turn them into the laughing stock that Adam Schiff has become. 

We need a targeted concise message that needs to go viral. Michael Farris wrote an outstanding article proving the falsehood of these accusations. Empirical evidence for every attorney or legislator to investigate and see the truth.  But the public isn’t receptive to lengthy papers.  Their attention span isn’t much beyond a sound bite. But a short video or article that could be shared on multiple platforms repeatedly could reach a much greater audience.   Explain our solution, the lies being told and the truth. Maybe even a play on Adam Schiff holding up blank papers.  We need to crush their argument before they spread the lies.  We need to create such awareness publicly of the truth, that their arguments become impotent and ultimately expose those attempting to spread them.

The best defense is a good offense.  Expose the liars. Empower the audience. Convention of States Action had high hopes for several states this year, only to watch lies and cowardice by legislators prevail to choke our movement. 

It’s time to take the fight to them. Call out groups and politicians that we have proven wrong but persist with lies. Let their constituency know that their candidate is someone who ignores truth, lacks integrity and is only self-serving.  How could you reelect someone who doesn’t care about the truth or your interests?

I know we have tried to foster relationships with our legislators to “fight another day” but I’m reminded of our own argument to the devotees of Nullification; “how’s that working out for ya”? When a legislator lies to us or perpetuates the con-con story (collusion) we need a press conference after that allows us to tell the public, “They knew that wasn’t true, it has been proven over and over again, but they said it anyway.  Knowing it was a lie”. It’s time to hold liars accountable.

John Guinn is State Director for Convention of States Action Oklahoma.

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