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Convention of States!


"Runaway Convention"— The Hollow Accusation Hurled by Those Walking Contradictions

Published in Blog on November 18, 2021 by Tracy Schuster

The truth is that some candidates and incumbents talk tougher than they actually are. There is a distinguishable difference between stubbornness and resoluteness. Although stubborn people may project strength and knowledge, it is only a façade. Stubbornness is often a sign of insecurity and a way to hold on to a very fragile ego or image— When there is overwhelming evidence that someone's opinion is wrong, yet they still deny historical facts, we must ask ourselves what motivates them to dig their heels in opposition to historical truth. 

On the other hand, those who are resolute firmly hold onto our founding principles and thereby advocate for an Article V/Convention of States because it offers the solutions required to preserve our representative republic. An Article V Convention of States allows for, as George Mason so wisely asserted, an opportunity to return the trajectory of our country back toward our foundational principles. 

George Mason: Section 15 Virginia Declaration of Rights, 1776

We need to elect those demonstrating true strength at this juncture in America. We have to admit that we are where we are because we have elected the hollow-hearted time and time again. 

Anyone and everyone running for office under the color of defending the Constitution should be championing Article V. Think about it for a moment— Article V is one of only seven Articles which make up the Constitution. Article VII pertained to the Constitution's ratification process— so in essence, we are left governed by the other six Articles. Only six. The purpose of the remaining six are to maintain constitutional equilibrium of the government. We do not have constitutional equilibrium today. We have not maintained it for quite some time, so why would any legislator discount the value of amendments, especially given the historical proof that amendments have been successful in changing the trajectory of our country during perilous times?

No one can deny the significance of the13th amendment— it enshrined the Declaration's principle that "all men are created equal" into our Constitution. The 13th amendment changed our trajectory, redeemed our nation's character, and set men free. Are we such a shadow of our former selves that we will not stand courageously in unity to stop the trajectory our beloved country is on now? 

It is nothing but hollow rhetoric to proclaim to be a defender of liberty while denying American's their second most important Constitutional means of redress. They are essentially walking contradictions who do not want to be exposed. 

Should we the people cast a vote for anyone who would stand up and denounce our right to redress a long train of abuses and usurpations? Absolutely not!

Is it not duplicitous for a candidate to ask for your trust, your sacred vote, but then turn around and essentially proclaim that they do not trust you to apply the primary principles America was founded upon? 

Perhaps, some candidates and elected office holders don't want to tell you that they simply do not trust you, so they resort to the stubborn easy-way-out when asked to Support & Defend the Constitution with an Article V Convention of States. 

I've seen this easy-way-out option used far too often. It's easy because instead of exercising due diligence in actually learning the historical facts in context, candidates/incumbents will use convenient small-minded one liners (pure disinformation) to rebuff and dismiss actual engaged, concerned, informed, American loving constituents (quite patronizingly insulting… because candidates are campaigning to be your representatives, not your superiors).   

One of the many little one-liners (the dead giveaways of a patronizing candidate) is the Blah, blah, blah..."Runaway Convention"...blah, blah.

I know I must impulsively roll my eyes at the use of such deprecating words as “runaway convention” because those words reveal so much about the person speaking them. Anyone who can be so detached from the principles of our great Constitution, the Framers who drafted it and the people who ratified it, will not lead the fight in preserving those same principles— and we need leaders in this fight who know WHAT and WHO it is they are fighting for!


We need to do a thorough vetting of all candidates and incumbents— Nearly all employees go through an interview process and if hired, nearly all go through an annual evaluation. Make sure your "employee" passes the Article V Founding Principles evaluation test.

When you come across a candidate or incumbent who refuses to support Convention of States, please make them expound on their stance just as the Declaration expounds on WHY we separated from the British monarchists. Challenging their nullification of Article V, their federal function and duty, as well as your constitutional right in Article V— it is crucial, now more than ever. 

Because there is absolutely no justifiable logic in obstructing the American people’s utilization of Article V to uphold our nation’s paramount principles espoused in the Declaration of Independence.

Let’s review five of those paramount principles:

1) At the apex: All men are created equal.

2) Self-evident truth: All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these rights are: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

3) Limited scope: government exists for the purpose of securing these God-given rights.

4) Legitimate Power: limited and enumerated powers were granted/loaned to government by the People and those powers can be reclaimed or altered by the People. (Consent of the governed)


5) Duty: when government exceeds its authority and refuses to fulfill its enumerated purposes, it is not only the right of the People “to alter or to abolish it,” it is a duty.

These principles are your birthright. These are self-evident truths that cannot, nor should not be cast aside like one might brusquely brush the dander off his shoulder— they deserve the utmost respect and due diligence and so do you!

Up Next— Part Two:

The Disparaging "Runaway Convention" Accusation Laid Bare

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