The American people are tired of rolling the dice on a new president every four years. Tonight’s debate will change the shape of the election, but one thing will stay the same -- D.C. will never fix D.C.
Over 75 million viewers are expected to watch tonight’s debate, many of them hoping to catch a glimpse of the person who can get our country back on track. But the President can’t overturn faulty Supreme Court decisions. The President can’t balance the budget or restore the states to their rightful position of power. Those are the reforms this country desperately needs, and a President can’t accomplish any of them.
But a Convention of States can. A Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that strike at the heart of the overreach and abuse in D.C. These amendments can force Congress to balance the budget. They can impose term limits on federal officials and prohibit the use of unconstitutional executive orders. Ultimately, these amendments can restore the balance of power between the federal government, the states, and the people, limiting the power of Washington and giving the states a real recourse to correct federal abuses.
A Simulated Convention of States was held last week, which proved once and for all that a real Article V Convention of States is ready to fulfill its purpose. One-hundred and thirty-seven delegates representing every state in the nation convened in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, Sept. 21-23. It was an amazing experience and the Convention operated flawlessly. The Simulated Convention will be releasing a statement detailing the amendments proposed, but for now interested parties can read the summary on this page.