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Rogue Island no longer

Published in Blog on February 27, 2025 by Jakob Fay

Little Rhody is putting the kibosh on federal tyranny with Article V.

The Rhode Island House Committee on State Government and Elections heard public testimony for H5385, the Convention of States application, on Thursday. Grassroots supporters traveled from around the state to voice their support for the resolution calling for a limited Article V convention to promote fiscal restraints, term limits, and other checks and balances on the federal government.

“Fortunately, the writers of the Constitution had the foresight to provide a solution if we ever came to a time when Congress became ineffective, unresponsive, and refused to act in our best interest,” one grassroots activist explained.

Regional Director Haley Shaw did a tremendous job on clean-up duty, addressing legislators’ fears and misunderstandings about COS. “People are asking for you to be the voice of Rhode Island,” she told the committee.

Rhode Island was once dubbed “Rogue Island” for holding out against the United States Constitution; the grassroots are determined it won’t happen again. After today’s hearing, Rhode Island, which refused to send delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, has the opportunity to help pave the way to a new kind of convention: history’s first Article V convention.

Watch the hearing below and stay tuned to the Convention of States blog for future updates.

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