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RI "Common Sense" Gun Ban

Published in Blog on October 14, 2021 by Rene Barrett

Attorney General Neronhas's “Common Sense” Gun Ban May Not Involve Common Sense At All

Meeting on gun control at the Rhode Island Senate Committee on Judiciary, Senators Jessica de la Cruz and Gordon E. Rogers stood up for the rights of Rhode Islanders against recent gun control bill proposals.

The meeting, which started at 3 p.m. and ended a little after midnight on April 13, allowed Rhode Islanders to testify on their positions for bills proposed both for and against gun control. 

During that time, the only Senators who replied to constituents were Gordon and de la Cruz except for a brief comment by one of the Senators correcting a statement by a woman testifying on the crime rate statistic, claiming the rate was much higher than it is.

According to the CDC, the Firearm Injury Death Rate is 4.6 (per 100,000) in Rhode Island as of 2019, making our state rank in the top five lowest fatalities related to firearms in the country.

School shootings, suicides and feminist issues were recurring themes heard throughout the night by those in favor of the anti-gun bills - S0073, S0129, S0406, S0414, S0415, S0416, S0417, S0737, S0742. While these may be separate issues that warrant other meetings, none of these bills would eliminate or reduce instances of the aforementioned events. 

Outraged cries from constituents against gun owners' right to own and carry were met by Senator Gordon asking what, in their definition, an automatic weapon even was. 

Just as often, the caller had no idea of the differences. After numerous attempts at explaining this is the classification of most guns by Senator Gordon, the caller would announce they were not experts on guns but stubbornly refuse to admit their lack of knowledge on the topic made any difference. They just feel that people should not own a gun that can kill rapidly. 

A few facts to consider provided by the NRA in their September 2019 "Assault Weapons" and "Large" Magazine’s article are:
Automatic gun bans or “large” capacity magazines bans have no effect on mass shootings or violent crime. “Murder rates were 19.3% higher when the Federal [assault weapon] ban was in effect.”

AR-15s are the most commonly used rifles in marksmanship competitions, training, and home defense.

Gun control supporters are wrong to claim “assault weapons” are used in most mass shootings. While the media focuses on this false narrative, mass killings have been committed with firearms of all types, and without firearms of any type. 

Del la Cruz fielded a handful of callers claiming women die unnecessarily due to gun violence. Her reply was always in the form of stating armed women are much less liking to be injured or killed by their attackers. She also expressed her frustration at the assumptions made by callers that women are not bright enough to figure out how to use a gun.
Many callers claimed suicides of loved ones could have been prevented if stricter guns laws had been imposed. Again, there is no factual bases for such claims. Read here for more information.
Bill S406, which would make it a felony to store firearms unlocked, is on the top of the list for the dumbest “common sense” bill measures. An overwhelming majority of gun owners who buy a gun for self defense would not be able to use it for that purpose because it would be locked up when an intruder approached.
What it all comes down to is the Government wanting to take the rights of Americans to defend themselves against not only criminals, but against an out-of-control tyrannical Government. This is one of the many reasons we need a Convention of States, my friends.

President Joe Biden would like nothing more than to nationalize Rhode Island's gun control policies. We must limit the Federal Government in this and other matters such as size and scope, jurisdiction, spending, and terms- all desperately needed right now. We must act before it is too late!

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