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Review: Simulated Convention movie is Article V like you’ve never seen it before

Published in Blog on November 17, 2023 by Article V Patriot

Describing any event as one of the most important in, perhaps, the history of the United States is a bold assertion. However, this is precisely the sentiment expressed by the narrator in the opening moments of the soon-to-be-released Article V short film, capturing the essence of the 2023 Simulated Article V Convention organized by COSF.

Visually stunning, cinematic, and emotionally evocative, this documentary, slated for its premiere this Tuesday at 6:00 PM EST, accomplishes the fundamental objective of any good documentary—it immerses viewers into the world of its subject matter while resonating with something profound within the human heart. The film delves into history, nobility, and an almost transcendent significance, effectively persuading audiences of the undeniable merit of the Article V cause. Its apparent conviction becomes a compelling force, winning over audiences with the inherent worthiness of the undertaking.

Whether you are a newcomer or a seasoned Article V enthusiast, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to watch this film and not be stirred; to not walk away with increased devotion to the inter-state convention process as envisioned by our Founding Fathers; to remain unconvinced of the sincerity of those driving this movement forward.

SEE ALSO: COSF drops trailer and poster for upcoming Article V movie

“People rise above the everyday,” one delegate lauded the over 100 commissioners who attended the Simulation.

“It’s humbling to actually be here,” concurred Al Torres, a representative for the citizen grassroots army. “The patriotism behind each and every person who’s working here to accomplish what we’re trying to do, which is save this nation, is just magnificent.”

Perhaps that is the movie’s greatest and most notable triumph—its ability to showcase the unsung patriotism and servant leadership that exist within the halls of our state legislatures. As COSF President Mark Meckler aptly put it, “We see Washington, D.C., on television all the time. We see some of the worst behavior in the country there. But if you go into the state legislatures, you meet people who are doing politics for the right reason.”

For those who remain skeptical that such people still exist, well… maybe that’s why you should watch the Article V Convention Simulation Summary Video. It’s a whole new way of looking at politics. And in a time marked by bitter division, despair, and dysfunction, isn’t that exactly what we all need?

Tune in for the livestream event on Tuesday, November 21, at 6 PM EST, and watch the trailer now at

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