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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Promises Made & Promises Broken

Published in Blog on August 19, 2022 by LeRoy E Cossette

Every election cycle politicians promise to balance the budget, pass term limits, restrict overreach, and reduce regulatory burdens. Then after being elected, all their promises are forgotten and broken while both parties blame the other for their failures to keep those promises.

We all know (Republicans, Democrats, Unaffiliated) that things are very wrong with our federal government. But we continue to foolishly believe that everything will somehow work itself out.

We fool ourselves into believing that this time it will be different. This time people of conscience, honor, and integrity will be elected. Individuals who will truly represent the will of the people and insure opportunity and prosperity for all Americans.  

After all these years of hoping, we must finally admit to ourselves that the Washington bureaucracy will never ever fix itself.

Their absurd manipulation and purposeful misinterpretation of the Constitution to satisfy their ideology must be stopped. We must stop:

1) The General Welfare clause from being used to allow Congress to spend tax dollars recklessly;

2) The crushing regulations of our economy through the misuse of the Commerce Clause;

3) The debt that arises from inappropriate spending projects, bribes to foreign countries (referred to as foreign aid), and wars that have no real national purpose.

4) The misuse of Federal Judicial power;

5) Congress and government officials from acting and working for their own political wellbeing.

Today we have two Constitutions: One as framed by our Founding Fathers; one as interpreted by the Supreme Court, which is constantly changed based on the whims of the majority of judges, often detrimental to our citizens (i.e. Dred Scott decision, Lockner decision, Adler v. Board of Education decision).

There is a solution. Convene a Convention of States as allowed by Article V of the Constitution with restricted authority to proposing only amendments that will: 1) impose fiscal restraints on the federal government; 2) limit its power and jurisdiction; 3) impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.

We the people can do this. Together we can return our Republic to what our Founding Fathers intended this great nation to be, free to choose our own destiny, to choose what is best for ourselves and our family.  

Please take a minute to learn more about Convention of States, sign the petition in support of this grassroots movement, and learn what, why, and how calling a Convention of States can save us from the incompetent and corrupt government that is dividing us, bankrupting us, and destroying our country.  

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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