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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Happy Birthday America

Published in Blog on July 01, 2024 by Thomas E. McKeon

Days ago, there was a big debate where two primary contenders for the office of president had a showdown. The night brought a few surprises. Most notably, a humorous exchange between candidates arguing about their golf ability. Who knew mastery of golf was essential to the free world! It is easy to lose sight of what matters in the midst of a political circus. 

The aftermath of the debate was followed by the usual critiques and mudslinging where they tell us falsehoods about what happened along with commentary on how we should perceive what we just saw with our own eyes. Sean Hannity tossed in a comment at the end of his critique that we should really be upset with those who swore the candidates were at the top of their game. Obviously, they have a problem with the truth. 

It brings back memories of the various groups who told falsehoods about an Article V Convention of States, conflating it with a Constitutional Convention. We have been relentlessly hounded by falsehoods from these groups when people should know that a Convention of States is not a Constitutional Convention, George Soros is not a major contributor to our cause, and nullification is not something to be celebrated. Yet, these falsehoods continue to dwell in our heads rent-free.

So, how do we get back at our adversaries and right these falsehoods? The answer is simple, success. We need to bring the idea of an Article V Convention of States to our friends and neighbors who have not heard of it. We need to show them that this is the only way to revitalize our nation and bring back power to the people.

As America approaches its 248th birthday, it is time for a change. Whether we are 248 years old or young depends on you. Many great civilizations only last about 250 years. Like milk on the shelf in your refrigerator, there is an expiration date.

We are desperately in need of an Article V Convention of States to breathe new life into our nation, only our expiration date is not so clearly marked. We have to separate fact from fiction and work together to make this a reality. We are ripe for success.

Let us bring back an America that is governed by the people and for the people!

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