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Convention of States!


Posting Biden Bucks

Published in Blog on May 16, 2023 by Michael Grzech

For years now, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and our own federal government have been trying to get us off the US dollar. We're already off the Gold Standard, so there's nothing supporting our finances.

Recent technological developments haven't helped us either,
usually presented in a cute way with ominous purposes lurking in the shadows. 

Billed as a novelty that can answer any question at any time, "Alexa"
is actually a microphone in your home that actively listens 24/7.

When it rolled out, there was a glitch that once discovered, had to be remedied very quickly. You could ask it (no gender) any question but about Jesus Christ. When asked, it would say "No data."

Rumba, the handy dandy, set-it-and-forget-it (Does anybody remember the Showtime Oven?) vacuum cleaner. Complete with cameras, it maps your entire house. A not-so-honest computer whiz can hack into that for his next break-in.

That lock on your front door with the keypad and hooked up to WiFi will work too.

Where is this going? China.

From David Icke of Digital Freedom Platform

You see, nobody can do surveillance better than the CCP. Not even the Vatican can beat it. Freedom is frowned upon, everyone is watched 24/7 with cameras everywhere. There isn't a thing they don't know about you, so to keep total control over everything you do, including their bank accounts. These factors all depend on the citizens' obedience to The Party. 

This is CCP Credit System. What does China have to do with us?

Let's compare to Biden Bucks:

From an article in The Hill last year:

On March 9, the Biden administration released an executive order (EO) instructing a long list of federal agencies to study digital assets and to propose numerous reports about their use and proposals to regulate them.

Much of the executive order is focused on cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, which run on blockchain technology and have become increasingly popular among many investors and consumers in recent years.

But there is an even more important part of the EO: President Biden has instructed the federal government and Federal Reserve to lay the groundwork for a potential new U.S. currency, a digital dollar.

The Biden administration and Fed are working together to create a controllable, traceable, programmable digital currency. And if they are successful, life in America might never be the same. 

Here is where the Convention of States comes in:

COS is building the largest, most informed, most engaged group of grassroots warriors this country has ever seen. Kind of like the modern version of the Minute Men, to hold our "representatives" accountable.

Paul Revere had his horse, we have the internet to inform and gather We The People. It is also a very effective weapon.

The pen (screen) they say is mightier than the sword. 

The sword is important because in our Constitution, it is second only to the Freedom of Speech. We need the Second Amendment to protect the First. Without those, everything else is mute, academic, and downright void. John Adams remarked: " [W]ithout the pen of Paine, the sword of Washington would have been wielded in vain.".

"When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom." – Thomas Jefferson


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