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Convention of States!


Political, Are We? Oakland County Community Organizer Excludes Convention of States but Invites Politicians

Published in Blog on November 09, 2021 by Michele Haroon

Today, a certain northern Oakland County Community Organizer informed us that our request to walk in a parade was denied. Why, you ask? Well, they say it's because their rules state that the following are banned: "Politically" themed floats carrying a political message. Only "elected" officials who are invited by the parade committee will be allowed to participate in the parade - as if THAT'S not being "political."

Ah, ok, we get it. "Elected" (partisan) politicians can participate and spread their propaganda but not authentic and populist causes that are CLEARLY not partisan. Our tax status prohibits us from being partisan. Convention of States Action is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of stopping the runaway power of the federal government. Our activity is consistent with the IRS rules, but apparently NOT yours... ok, got it. 

Article V of the Constitution (and the whole Constitution, for that matter) is NOT partisan. The founding fathers were not partisan. They designed a system where the three branches of government "check" each other, not collude, as they do today. Our movement is not a red movement, or a blue movement; it's an American movement

Our question to you is: by allowing "politicians" to participate (but not a non-partisan group like ours), explain to us again HOW your organization is not being "political." 

This is a great time to pause and reflect on why it's ok to exclude Convention of States. We'll wait, and meanwhile, continue to WORK to save YOUR country.

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