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Convention of States!


Planting the seeds of liberty

Published in Blog on March 22, 2021 by Mona Kita

Educating the public about Convention of States is a lot like planting a garden.

Like farmers in the early spring, our job as COS warriors is to sow the seeds of knowledge wherever and whenever we can. We know that not all of the seeds we plant will take root, but our job is to spread generously. 
Last week COS North Carolina's energetic State Director Joy Ruhmann appeared on the Patriots in Tune podcast with Toots Sweet and Jewels Jones. 

While the hosts seemed initially skeptical of the viability of Convention of States, they became increasingly excited by the prospect as Joy explained the process, our mission to create an involved and educated citizenry, as well as our goal to return the power of governance back to the states. 

Toots was visibly relieved as Joy explained that this is not a Constitutional Convention but rather an amending convention, dispelling the most common misconception we face. 
The discussion ranged from how evil can proliferate without an involved citizenry and the misguided opposition we face from several supposed conservatives, to a battle plan to take back America from the Washington political class.

Joy shared some of the recent statistics, illustrating how quickly our grassroots are growing. She also detailed what the podcast listeners could do to get involved.
We have the plan to take back our country, and the Constitution offers us the fertile seeds we need to sow. Joy Ruhmann showed us how to plant the seeds. Now, get planting!

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