This past weekend, three members of the Convention of States Colorado team gathered Article V petition signatures at the Pagosa Springs Gun Show. Alongside some beautiful armaments, Karla H. Pendleton (State Information Analyst) and Kevin Baldwin (District 46 Volunteer) worked the crowd to gather 24 signatures. Vesta Mizell (District 58 Captain) gathered 21 more on Saturday.
Many spirited people who attended the Pagosa Springs Gun Show supported the movement. After they realized the purpose of the Article V petition, they signed on the dotted line alongside millions of their fellow citizens. A large number of them expressed growing frustration with Congress and a desire for relief from the heavy burden of onerous laws and regulations, as is possible following an Article V Convention.
Several indicated they were interested in doing more than signing, so there could be some new names working to further our cause very soon. Momentum is continuing to build, and if Pagosa Springs is an indication, the support is certainly there to be found. Keep your spirits high and others will gather about you as to a beacon for We the People!