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to call for a

Convention of States!


Patriots brave the storm for South Carolina Capitol Day

Published in Blog on January 25, 2018 by Christopher Neely

Snow and sleet were predicted across parts of the state, but almost 100 supporters braved the weather to show up for the Convention of States' Capitol Day.

The event's speakers, Sen. Jim DeMint, State Rep. Bill Taylor, State Rep. Jason Elliott, and Florida State Senator Alan Hays also made the trip safely.  

Jim DeMint
The weather predictions were so severe that the state legislature canceled their session for the day. The citizen patriots adapted and overcame that obstacle as well. The Convention of States leadership team quickly rearranged the day's schedule to turn the disappointing change into a beneficial one. 

DeMint interacting
The volunteers were able to hear speeches from several inspiring leaders and legislators at the Liberty Tap Room and the statehouse lobby. The cancellation even freed up time to engage in deeper conversations with many of the legislators that were there.

Volunteers visited the offices of their elected officials and meet in person or leave handwritten notes for the ones that were out due to the snow. 

Liberty Tap Room
Since the visits were not under tight time constraints, many of the supporters and event speakers reported great one on one conversations.

Many of the volunteers posted pictures of the event and interactions with the legislators on social media. Sharing pictures of everyday citizens standing up for their liberties in the statehouse is a great message to share.  

Jim Taylor
Whether you were one of the men and women that showed up at the statehouse or not, you are all needed to keep the momentum going. It may seem small, but your voice helps. Please share this information, sign the petition, and let your legislators know you want them to support these bills. 

If you do not know your legislator's names, go to, and fill in your address. Your federal and state legislators will be listed for you. Take note of their name click "contact your legislator" on the left.

Find their name and send them a message and take down their phone numbers. Telephone their office where you will most likely need to leave a voicemail message. Be prepared to leave one with a clear message of your interest in seeing them support Convention of States. 
How to identify and contact your legislators

Let us know about the steps you take. Your voice makes a difference, and your help matters to everyone in this great country, now and for the future.
Thank you to all the supporters that came out for the Capitol Day event and for all who are willing to keep the momentum going.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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